IE at ICHL 2003

Jens Elmegaard Rasmussen jer at
Sat Aug 10 22:36:14 UTC 2002

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Dear colleagues,

for the 16th ICHL, staged by Prof. Lene Scho/sler of the Department of
Romance at the University of Copenhagen, a special Indo-European section
has now been planned:

IE Section at ICHL 2003 in Copenhagen.

The 16th International Conference of Historical Linguistics will take
place at the University of Copenhagen in the week 11th through 15th of
August, 2003. The program is subdivided into a number of sections, cf. the
preliminary program at (click on Forskningsprojekter
produces link to the ICHL homepage). Recently, a special section devoted
to "Internal Reconstruction and Comparative Method in Indo-European:
Results and Problems" was added, to be organized by myself. Each section
includes a plenary session; at that of the IE section a paper will be
presented by Professor Jay Jasanoff (Harvard). Our section will be held on
Friday, August 15, and an urgent "CALL FOR PAPERS" is hereby issued to
colleagues all over the world. The title of the section is meant to
capture investigations into the system of Proto-Indo-European (its
phonology, morphology, syntax, lexematics - anything) on points where
problems still remain even after comparative reconstruction has reached
its goal by uncovering the protolanguage. Papers offering solutions to
problems of irregular inflection or derivation (or the analog on other
levels of linguistic analysis) on the basis of motivatable "deeper"
reconstruction are specifically elicited. Welcome are also papers on
internal reconstruction working from one of the intermediate
protolanguages (Proto-Germanic, Proto-Slavic, etc.), or centering on
theoretical aspects of the reconstructional techniques applicable to
Indo-European. A one-page summary should be submitted no later than March
1st, 2003. Write to: Jens Elmegaard Rasmussen, Department of Linguistics
(IAAS), University of Copenhagen, Njalsgade 80, DK-2300 Copenhagen S,
Denmark. For additional information the e-mail line to jer at is
always open.
             Jens Elmegaard Rasmussen, University of Copenhagen

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