Indo-European Studies Bulletin: New Issue

Deborah Anderson dwanders at socrates.Berkeley.EDU
Fri May 17 19:15:12 UTC 2002

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Announcing a New Issue:

Indo-European Studies Bulletin
Vol. 10, No. 1, February/March 2002 (appeared April 2002) (60 pp.)
ISSN: 1533-9769

Review Article:
"Notes on the New Corpus of Hieroglyphic Luwian: Review article of Corpus
of Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions by J. D. Hawkins [vol. 1] and Halet
Cambel [vol. 2]" by Vyacheslav Ivanov

Notes and Brief Communications
(includes news and short necrologies on Paul Thieme [Scharfe] and
Joseph Greenberg

Conference Reports:
Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference (GLAC-7) (Pierce)

Book Reviews:
The Tarim Mummies: Ancient China and the mystery of the earliest peoples
from the West, by J.P. Mallory and Victor Mair (reviewed by Martin Huld)

Etimologicheskij slovar' iranskikh jazykov (Iranian Etymological
Dictionary), v. 1, by Vera S. Rastorgujeva and Dzhoj I. Edelman (reviewed
by Ilya Yakubovich)

Interlingua Institute: A History, by Frank Esterhill (reviewed by
Aurelijus Vijunas)

Kleine Schriften: Festgabe fuer Helmut Rix zum 75. Geburtstag, edited by
Gerhard Meiser (reviewed by Brent Vine)

Electronic Resources for IE
Upcoming Conferences and Summer Schools
New Books
New Journals
IE Dissertations
Books for Review (for the journal Language)

The Indo-European Studies Bulletin is a publication affiliated with the
UCLA Indo-European Studies Program and published by the Friends and Alumni
of Indo-European Studies. All issues are hardcopy.

Contribution levels (which pay for this bi-annual newsletter and support
IE activities) are: $10 for students ($15 for students outside the U.S.
and Canada), $20 for others ($25 for others outside the U.S. and Canada).
Institutional rate: $50. Checks in U.S. dollars should be made payable to
"FAIES/UCLA Foundation" and sent to: FAIES, 2143 Kelton Ave., Los Angeles,
CA 90025.  Credit cards are also accepted.  For further information,
please contact: dwanders at Single issues are
available for purchase: single issues up to 9.1 are $5 apiece; 9.2, 10.1,
and 10.2 are $10 apiece. For a listing of the contents of past issues, see . Note: Price increases will go
into effect with the next issue to cover increased mailing costs.

Deborah Anderson
Editor, IES Bulletin
Researcher, Dept. of Linguistics
UC Berkeley

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