XVII Int. Congress of Linguists - DEADLINE EXTENSION

Jiri Mirovsky mirovsky at ufal.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Wed Nov 13 13:51:03 UTC 2002

----------------------------Original message----------------------------


        XVII International Congress of Linguists
                Prague, Czech Republic
                  July 24-29, 2003

    Organized by Faculty of Mathematics and Physics 
             Charles University in Prague 
         Center for Computational Linguistics 
     Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics 

                 in cooperation with
   Institute of Czech Language Academy of Sciences,
                   Czech Republic 

                Under the auspices of 
     Comité International Permanent des Linguistes 



                   DECEMBER 10th, 2002
The abstracts of papers should be sent directly to the 
parallel sessions organizers:

Language planning and language policies:
Professor Ayo Bamgbose, Department of Linguistics, 
University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. 
e-mail: bamgbose at skannet.com 

Pidgins, creoles, language in contact:
Professor Kees Versteegh, Institute of Linguistics, 
VH Midden Oost, Postbus 9103, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. 
e-mail: C.Versteegh at let.kun.nl 

Comparative linguistics:
Professor Lyle Campbell, Department of Linguistics, 
University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch, 
New Zeeland. 
e-mail: l.campbell at canterbury.ac.nz 

Computational linguistics:
Professor Giacomo Ferrari, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, 
Universita del Piemonte Orientale, Via A.Manzoni 8, 
13100 Vercelli, Italy. 
e-mail: ferrari at apollo.lett.unipmn.it 

Language and fieldwork:
Professor Daniel Everett, Caixa Postal 129, Porto Velho, 
RO, 78900-970, Brazil. 
e-mail: dan_everett at sil.org 

Techniques for language description:
Professor Nicoletta Calzolari, Istituto di Linguistica 
Computazionale del CNR, Via Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy 
e-mail: glottolo at ilc.cnr.it 

Syntax and morphology:
Professor Stephen Anderson, Department of Linguistics and 
Cognitive Science, Yale University, PO Box 208236, 
Yale Station, New Haven CT, 06520-8236 USA. 
e-mail: stephen.anderson at yale.edu 

Lexicology and lexicography:
Professor Rufus Gouws, Department of Afrikaans and Durch, 
University of Stellenbosch, Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, 
South Africa. 
e-mail: Rhg at akad.sun.ac.za 

Phonetics and phonology:
Professor Jean Lowenstamm, Université de Paris 7, 
UFR Linguistique, CASE 7003, 2, Place Jussieu, 
75251 Paris Cedex 05, France. 
e-mail: jean.lowenstamm at linguist.jussieu.fr 

Pragmatics and semantics:
Professor Robert M.Harnish, Department of Philosophy, 
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721, USA. 
e-mail: harnish at u.arizona.edu 

The abstracts of the contributions to the workshop should be 
sent directly to the workshop organizers (see the address of
the organizing committee at the end of the mail).

Important dates for submission of abstracts of papers, 
workshop contributions and poster descriptions: 

3-page abstracts ...  December 10, 2002
Information of acceptance/rejection will be sent out before:
                  ... December 31, 2002
1-page summary for publication in the proceedings
                  ... March 31, 2003

If you wish to submit an abstract which does not fit any 
of the announced topics please send your abstract 
to Professor Ferenc Kiefer (kiefer at nytud.hu).
The authors of late submissions (after October 1 but 
before December 10) will be notified about acceptance 
or rejection by January 31, 2003.

Each abstract should contain: a separate page with the title 
of the paper/poster, the author's name, and affiliation, 
postal address, e-mail address and fax. The author's name 
should not be written on the abstract itself. 

Address of the Chair of the Scientific Committee: 
Prof. Ferenc Kiefer 
Research Institute for Linguistics 
Hungarian academy of Sciences 
Benczur u. 33 
H-1068 Budapest, Hungary 
e-mail: kiefer at nytud.hu 

Languages: Papers can be delivered in English, German, 
French or Russian; summaries published in the volume of abstracts
should be written in English or French. 

Address of the organizing committee: 
CIL 17 
Center for Computational Linguistics MFF UK 
c/o Mrs Anna Kotesovcova 
Malostranske nam. 25 
118 00 Prague 1 
Czech Republic 
e-mail: cil17 at cil17.org 
fax: ++420-2-2191 4304 
web page: http://www.cil17.org

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