New Book: Fanego et al.

Paul Peranteau paul at
Tue Oct 29 23:31:16 UTC 2002

----------------------------Original message----------------------------

John Benjamins Publishing announces a new work in historical linguistics:

Title: English Historical Syntax and Morphology
Subtitle: Selected papers from 11 ICEHL, Santiago de Compostela, 7-11
           September 2000
Series Title: Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 223

Publication Year: 2002
Publisher: John Benjamins

Editor: Teresa  Fanego
Editor: Javier  Pérez-Guerra
Editor: María José López-Couzo
         all University of Santiago de Compostella

Hardback: ISBN: 158811192X, Pages: x, 306 pp., Price: USD 99.00 (US & Canada)
Hardback: ISBN: 9027247315, Pages: x, 306 pp., Price: EUR 109.00 
(Everywhere Else)


This volume offers a selection of papers from the Eleventh
International Conference on English Historical Linguistics held at the
University of Santiago de Compostela. From the rich programme (over
130 papers were given during the conference), the present twelve
papers were carefully selected to reflect the state of current
research in the fields of English historical syntax and
morphology. Some of the issues discussed are the emergence of
viewpoint adverbials in English and German, changes in noun phrase
structure from 1650 to the present, the development of the progressive
in Scots, the passivization of composite predicates, the loss of V2
and its effects on the information structure of English, the
acquisition of modal syntax and semantics by the English verb WANT, or
the use of temporal adverbs as attributive adjectives in the Early
Modern period. Many of the articles tackle questions of change through
the use of methodological tools like computerized corpora. The
theoretical frameworks adopted include, among others,
grammaticalization theory, Dik's model of functional grammar,
construction grammar and Government & Binding Theory.

Table of Contents

      Teresa Fanego  1
Two types of passivization of 'V+NP+P' constructions in relation to
      Minoji Akimoto  9
On the development of a friend of mine
      Cynthia L. Allen  23
Historical shifts in modification patterns with complex noun phrase
structures: How long can you go without a verb?
      Douglas Biber and Victoria Clark  43
Grammaticalization versus lexicalization reconsidered: On the late use
of temporal adverbs
      Laurel J. Brinton  67
The derivation of ornative,locative,ablative,privative and reversative
verbs in English: A historical sketch
      Dieter Kastovsky  99
 >From gold-gifa to chimney sweep? Morphological (un)markedness of
Modern English agent nouns in a diachronic perspective
      Lucia Kornexl  111
A path to volitional modality
      Manfred G. Krug  131
Is it, stylewise or otherwise, wise to use -wise? Domain adverbials
and the history of English -wise
      Ursula Lenker  157
The loss of the indefinite pronoun man: Syntactic change and
information structure
      Bettelou Los  181
The progressive in Older Scots
      Anneli Meurman-Solin  203
Detransitivization in the history of English from a semantic
      Ruth Möhlig and Monika E. Klages  231
Morphology recycled: The Principle of Rhythmic Alternation at work in
Early and Late Modern English grammatical variation
      Julia Schlüter  255

Lingfield(s):  Historical Linguistics

Subject Language(s):  English (Language code: ENG)

Written In:  English (Language Code: ENG)

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