Abstracts deadline for International Congress of Linguists

Lyle Campbell l.campbell at ling.canterbury.ac.nz
Thu Sep 19 01:49:06 UTC 2002

Dear Historical Linguists,

        REMINDER:  The deadline is October 1, 2002, for submission of
Czech Republic, July 24-29, 2003.
        I draw your attention to the session "Comparative
Linguistics" (i.e. "historical linguistics and language change
        Details are found on  the website http://www.cil17.org/
(including information on registration and accommodation).

Three-page abstracts of papers (both for the regular sessions and for
the workshops) and poster descriptions should be sent (preferably
ELECTRONICALLY, or in four hard copies) to the organizer of the
session (or workshop) relevant for the topic of the paper (see list of
sessions and list of workshops) [i.e. to me, address below, for
historical linguistics]; in case of uncertainty about the appropriate
session, the abstract may be sent to the address of the Chair of the
Scientific Committee (see below). The authors should clearly indicate
whether they submit an abstract of a full paper or a description of a
poster. Authors of the accepted papers will be asked to send in a
one-page summary of the paper in a camera-ready format (the
instructions will be sent to the authors together with the
information of acceptance), and this summary will be printed in the
volume of abstracts. The slot for paper presentation will be 30 min
long (incl. discussion).

Important dates for submission of abstracts of papers, workshop
contributions and poster
descriptions:  3-page abstracts: October 1, 2002
[[Note:  I do not know the reasons why 3-page abstracts were asked
for, but some of the abstracts already submitted are much shorter and
there is no plan to eliminate them from consideration.]]

Information of acceptance/rejection will be sent out before:
December 31, 2002

1-page summary for publication in the proceedings:  March 31, 2003

Each abstract should contain: a separate page with the title of the
paper/poster, the
author's name, and affiliation, postal address, e-mail address and
fax. The author's name
should not be written on the abstract itself.

My address (for abstract submissiosns and matters concerning this session) is:
e-mail: l.campbell at canterbury.ac.nz


Prof.Lyle Campbell
Department of Linguistics
University of Canterbury
Private Bag 4800
Christchurch, New Zeeland

(Telephone:  64-3-364-2242 [office], Fax:  64-3-364-2969)

The address of the Chair of the Scientific Committee is:
Prof. Ferenc Kiefer
Research Institute for Linguistics
Hungarian academy of Sciences
Benczur u. 33
H-1068 Budapest, Hungary
e-mail: kiefer at nytud.hu

Languages: Papers can be delivered in English, German, French or
Russian; summaries
published in the volume of abstracts should be written in English or French.

Best regards,

Professor Lyle Campbell,
Dept. of Linguistics
University of Canterbury
Christchurch, New Zealand
Fax:   64-3-364-2969
Phone: 64-3-364-2242 (office), 64-3-364-2089 (Linguistics dept)
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