New Book

roger wright Roger.Wright at LIVERPOOL.AC.UK
Tue Jan 28 16:11:42 UTC 2003

----------------------------Original message----------------------------

You may wish to tell your librarian about this:

Just published:

Roger Wright, "A Sociophilological Study of Late Latin" (Utrecht Studies in
Medieval Literacy, no.10), Turnhout, Brepols, 2003. 389 pages. ISBN
2-503-51338-7. 65 Euros.

To order: by e-mail to orders at, by fax to (00)32-14-448919, or
through the website, Payment is simplest via credit card.

Sociophilology combines traditional detailed philological expertise with
the broader insights of modern sociolinguistics. Late Latin is the native
language, both spoken and written, of the area of much of the former Roman
Empire in the Early Middle Ages, sometimes also regarded as being "Early
Romance". By the Thirteenth Century Late Latin had split conceptually, from
being a single complex living language, into several different Romance
languages, as well as the "dead" language we now call "Medieval Latin".
This sociophilological study places many texts, authors, scribes and
linguistic developments in a coherent historical, intellectual and
educational context; the whole presents an important component of a
thousand years of European cultural history, seen from unusually wide
historical and linguistic perspectives.         The book is presented in six
sections, each containing four chapters: A.  Late Latin, Medieval Latin and
B.  Texts and Language in Late Antiquity
C.  The Ninth Century
D.  Italy and Spain in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries
E.  Twelfth- and Thirteenth-Century Spain
F.  Sociophilology and Historical Linguistics
        Plus a Conclusion, a lengthy bibliography, and an index.

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