Professor Werner Winter
Julia Ulrich
Julia.Ulrich at DEGRUYTER.COM
Thu Jul 3 16:57:15 UTC 2003
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Dear Madam/Sir,
As some of you are undoubtedly aware, Professor Werner Winter - scholar, linguist, polyglot, mentor - will celebrate his 80th birthday on October 25th of this year.
Werner Winter has been closely associated with Mouton de Gruyter, formerly Mouton/The Hague, for more than three decades, starting his work as chief editor of the linguistic series Trends in Linguistics in the early 1970s. Brigitte Bauer and Georges-Jean Pinault are currently editing a Festschrift (including a Tabula Gratulatoria) which will be presented to Werner Winter to mark the occasion of his birthday, as well as to celebrate this long and fruitful cooperation. In addition, a special "book of personal congratulations" will be prepared.
We are approaching you today because we would like to invite you to contribute to these two projects.
First of all, we kindly ask you to send your name, current address and current affiliation to Ms. Regina Trüb at
prakmou1 at by July 15th.
For the special "book of personal congratulations", individual hand-written letters will be collected and bound into book form. To this end, we have ordered special sheets of paper, obtainable from us upon request. Please indicate in your message to Regina Trüb whether you would like to contribute a personal note. Once we have received your order along with your current address, we will send you the paper, along with more detailed information on technical details, layout, etc. Please note that your personal congratulations should be returned to us by August 25th.
Those of you wishing to have their names mentioned in the Tabula Gratulatoria in the Festschrift should also mention this explicitly in the message to Regina Trüb.
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Best regards,
Mouton de Gruyter
A Division of Walter de Gruyter Publishers
Berlin/New York
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