Donald N. Tuten. Koineization in Medieval Spanish (2003)

Julia Ulrich Julia.Ulrich at DEGRUYTER.COM
Wed Jul 16 20:20:13 UTC 2003

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New from Mouton de Gruyter

>From the series
Series Editor: Josha A. Fishman

Donald N. Tuten

2003. iv, 345 pages. Cloth.
Euro 78.00 / sFr 125.00 / approx. US$ 86.00
ISBN 3-11-017744-7
(Contributions to the Sociology of Language 88)

How and why do changes happen when and where they do? Is it possible to explain
 changes that occurred centuries ago? These are the central questions addressed
 in this book, in which the author argues that the development of numerous
 features of medieval (and modern) Spanish can best be explained as the results
 of koineization, a process in which mixing among speakers of different dialects
 leads to the rapid formation of a new mixed and generally simplified variety.
 The book includes a complete introduction to koineization and detailed study of
 three stages of dialect mixing in medieval Spanish.

Donald N. Tuten is Assistant Professor at Emory University, Georgia, USA.

>From the Contents:

1. Introduction
2. Koines and koineization
3. The Burgon phase
4. The Toledo phase
5. The Seville phase
6. Conclusions

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