Determinants of Grammatical Variation in English, edited by G. Rohdenburg & B. Mondorf (2003)

Julia Ulrich Julia.Ulrich at DEGRUYTER.COM
Mon Mar 17 14:33:00 UTC 2003

----------------------------Original message----------------------------

>>From the series


Series Editors: Bernd Kortmann and Elizabeth Closs Traugott

Edited by G|nter Rohdenburg and Britta Mondorf

2003. vi, 564 pages.
Euro 84.00 /sFr 134,- / approx. US$ 84.00
ISBN 3-11-017647-5
(Topics in English Linguistics 43)

What factors influence the choice between alternative grammatical
structures such as the following: a lit / lighted cigarette, more full /
fuller of convincing arguments, the main thesis of the book / the book4s
main thesis, take hostage a group of 15 holidaymakers / take a group of
15 holidaymakers hostage, conceding that the argument is convincing /
conceding the argument to be convincing? This is the central issue
explored in this volume, which contains a unique selection of innovative
in-depth empirical studies written in a broadly functional framework.

The factors investigated include the following: phonological influences
(such as the principle of rhythmic alternation and optimal syllable
structure), frequency, pervasive semantic and pragmatic aspects
(including iconicity, markedness, gram-maticalization and typological
tendencies), information structure, processing complexity and horror
aequi (the avoidance of identity effects).

This volume is essential reading for everyone in the field of English
grammar and all those interested in how functionalism can be brought to
bear in illuminating language structure and use.

>>From the contents:

Manfred Krug
Frequency as a determinant in grammatical variation and change

Julia Schl|ter
Phonological determinants of grammatical variation in English: Chomsky's
worst possible case

Thomas Wasow and Jennifer Arnold
Post-verbal constituent ordering in English

Stefan Th. Gries
Grammatical variation in English: A question of 'structure vs.

John A. Hawkins
Why are zero-marked phrases close to their heads?

G|nter Rohdenburg
Cognitive complexity and horror aequi as factors determining the use of
interrogative clause linkers in English

Britta Mondorf
Support for more-support

Uwe Vosberg
The role of extractions and horror aequi in the evolution of -ing-
complements in Modern English

Christian Mair
Gerundial complements after begin and start: Grammatical and
sociolinguistic factors, and how they work against each other

Dirk Nokl
Is there semantics in all syntax? The case of accusative and infinitive
constructions vs. that-clauses

Anette Rosenbach
Aspects of iconicity and economy in the choice between the s-genitive
and the of-genitive in English

Anatol Stefanowitsch
Constructional semantics as a limit to grammatical alternation: The two
genitives of English

Olga C. M. Fischer
Principles of grammaticalization and linguistic reality

Peter Siemund Varieties of English from a cross-linguistic perspective:
Intensifiers and reflexives

Lieselotte Anderwald
Non-standard English and typological principles: The case of negation

Sali A. Tagliamonte
'Every place has a different toll': Determinants of grammatical
variation in cross-variety perspective.

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