EACL'99 Conference/Tutorial REGISTRATION

Priscilla Rasmussen rasmusse at cs.rutgers.edu
Tue Apr 20 20:27:45 UTC 1999

                                 EACL '99

                 9th Conf. of the European Chapter of the
                 Association for Computational Linguistics
                         Bergen, June 8-12, 1999

                        TAKING REGISTRATIONS NOW !


      The EACL '99 conference is this year's biggest academic event in
   Computational Linguistics taking place in Europe.  Programme overview:

        June 7     Pre-conference excursion to the fjords
        June 8     Tutorials
        June 9-11  Main sessions, student sessions, posters&demos
                   Invited speakers Bruce Croft & Wolfgang Wahlster
                   Exhibit & Job Fair
                   Social programme (reception & banquet)
        June 12    Workshops

    Please consult the website for the full programme, venue and local
            information, registration and hotel accommodation:

                            Welcome to Bergen !

            Henry Thompson & Alex Lascarides, Programme Chairs
       Koenraad de Smedt, Chair of the Local Organization Committee

  LINGSOFT, University of Bergen (Humanities Faculty), Bergen University
    Fund, Norwegian Ministry of Education, Research and Church affairs




The EACL '99 conference is this year's biggest academic event in
Computational Linguistics taking place in Europe.  There will be two
tutorial sessions on June 8th, 1999, with two tutorials each.


 8:30	Registration
 9:30	Start Morning Session (1 and 3 below)
 11:00	Break
 11:30	Morning Session continued
 13:00	Lunch
 14.00	Start Afternoon Session (2 and 4 below)
 15:30	Break
 16.00	Afternoon Session continued
 17:30	End of Sessions

  1. Practical Text Mining
     Lecturer: Ronen Feldman

  2. Natural Language Learning with the Maximum Entropy Framework
     Lecturer: Adwait Ratnaparkhi

  3. Building Natural Language Generation Systems
     Lecturers: Robert Dale, Ehud Reiter

  4. Lexicography for Computationalists
     Lecturers: Adam Kilgarriff, Michael Rundell

The URL for the tutorials programme (with abstracts and further
information) is http://ilk.kub.nl/~walter/eacl/prog.html

The URL for the EACL'99 homepage is http://www.hit.uib.no/eacl99

    -- Walter Daelemans <Walter.Daelemans at kub. nl>

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