HPSG Dialogue Project

HOWARD A O GREGORY howard.gregory at kcl.ac.uk
Fri Dec 10 13:27:52 UTC 1999

The new HPSG Dialogue Project at King's College London now has a web
site at http://semantics.phil.kcl.ac.uk/dialogue/. This incorporates and
replaces the Ellipsis Resolution Project formerly located at the School
of Oriental and African Studies, London.

The project aims to provide a computationally implemented model for
dialogue sections, with particular attention to the problem of ellipsis
resolution. It draws on both the SOAS HPSG ellipsis project, which
developed a model of ellipsis resolution for mainly intrasentential
forms of ellipsis, and the work of Jonathan Ginzburg and Ivan Sag on
interrogatives and dialogue modelling in HPSG.

The project is directed by Shalom Lappin and Jonathan Ginzburg.

Howard Gregory

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