HPSG99 Registration Information
grover at cogsci.ed.ac.uk
grover at cogsci.ed.ac.uk
Fri Jul 2 11:15:24 UTC 1999
(Apologies for multiple copies)
6th International Conference on
Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
University of Edinburgh
August 4-6, 1999
The 6th International Conference on HPSG will be held at the
University of Edinburgh, Scotland, on August 4th to 6th 1999, hosted
by the Human Communication Research Centre and the Department of
The following message contains information about registration and
accommodation. The same information and an online registration form
can be found at our website at http://www.cogsci.ed.ac.uk/~hpsg99/.
The conference programme is also available at the website.
Full: 55 pounds
Student: 35 pounds
The registration fee covers the cost of the conference, the conference
party and coffee and tea at breaks. It does not include lunch. (But
there are plenty of restaurants and sandwich bars close to the
conference venue).
You can register and book accommodation by filling out the online
registration form which can be accessed from our website at
http://www.cogsci.ed.ac.uk/~hpsg99/. (If you do not have web access,
please email us directly at hpsg99 at cogsci.ed.ac.uk.) We will process
registrations up until 21st July although we may not be able to
assist with accommodation at such a late date. There will be on-site
registration on Wednesday August 4th at the conference venue:
Newhaven Lecture Theatre
University Conference and Training Centre
15 South College Street
Edinburgh EH8 9AA
We still have a limited number of rooms available in student
* Pollock Halls of Residence
Holyrood Park Road (University of Edinburgh student accommodation).
23.00 pounds per night including breakfast.
These are single study/bedrooms with a wash-hand basin, with an
adequate ratio of shared WCs and showers in each corridor/wing. The
Pollock Halls are in landscaped gardens close to Arthur's Seat,
Holyrood Park and the Commonwealth Pool and fitness centre. It is a
brief (15 minutes) walk from the conference venue, and frequent buses
to and from the city centre pass close by. Breakfast is served in the
refectory in the John MacIntyre Building where there is also a cash
machine, shop and bar.
If you wish to reserve a room please indicate your choice on the
accommodation section of the online registration form at our website
at http://www.cogsci.ed.ac.uk/~hpsg99/. We will email you to
confirm availability/discuss alternatives. When we make a reservation we
will add a deposit of one night's accommodation to your registration
OTHER ACCOMMODATION: The registration page at our website contains
information about other accommodation including hotels, guest houses
and hostels. We may be able to assist in booking guest house
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