CSLI volume submission

grover at cogsci.ed.ac.uk grover at cogsci.ed.ac.uk
Thu Nov 18 11:03:00 UTC 1999

Dear All,

Following this year's conference in Edinburgh, we are putting together
another volume in the CSLI series "Studies in Constraint-Based
Lexicalism". We have already solicited contributions from the
conference speakers but would like to cast our net a bit wider. We
therefore invite contributions of papers (15 pages max) on topics that
develop the theme of 'Grammatical Interfaces'. We are aiming at
publication by July 2000 and are working to the following tight

 January 31 : Submission of papers
 March 10 : Notification of acceptance
 April 28 : Submission of final versions

This means the call is aimed at work that is already close to
completion, though the paper you submit must represent original work
which has not been published elsewhere. If you intend to submit a
paper, please email Claire Grover (grover at cogsci.ed.ac.uk) by Friday
26th November, with a preliminary title.

In order to make the production of camera-ready text as smooth as
possible, we ask you to submit papers in LaTeX only, using CSLI style
packages.  Details, including how these style packages can be
obtained, will be distributed to those indicating their intention to
submit by November 26th.

Thank you for your cooperation,

Ronnie Cann, Claire Grover, Philip Miller

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