Workshop: "Lexical and Constructional Explanations ..."

Andreas Kathol kathol at
Thu Apr 6 22:43:08 UTC 2000

 Lexical and Constructional Explanations in Constraint-Based Grammars
	  (Part of Berkeley Formal Grammar Conference 2000)

			    July 20, 2000

		       UC Berkeley, Berkeley CA

			  370 Dwinelle Hall

Preliminary Program

Friday, July 20, 2000

9:00-12:00 "Argument/Adjunct Dichotomy: Lexical and Constructional

     Tracy Holloway King (Xerox PARC, Palo Alto)
     Adam Przepiorkowski (Ohio State University)

12:00-1:30 Lunch Break

1:30-3:30 "New Paradigms in Grammar Learning and Constraint-Based

     Farrell Ackerman (UC San Diego)
     Gert Webelhuth (UNC Chapel Hill)

3:30-4:00 Coffee Break

4:00-7:00 "Approaches to Mismatch"

     Elaine Francis (Hong Kong University)
     Laura Michaelis (CU Boulder)

7:00-11:00 Dinner and Entertainmnent (Alumni House)


	      Registration and Accommodation Information

General Information

Please fill out the on-line registration form at:

and submit it by clicking the "submit registration" button at the
bottom of the form. We will email you an invoice for your registration
fee and, if accommodation in the Residence Halls is requested, a
$25.00 deposit. The invoice will include a credit card form and
information about paying by check.

There is a uniform registration fee for the entire conference. During
early registration (until 31 May), the registration fees are $25.00
for students, $45.00 for nonstudent participants. After 31 May,
regular registration fees apply: $35.00 for students, $55.00 for
nonstudent participants.


A limited number of spaces have been reserved in the University
Residence Halls. These spaces have been reserved on a "package" basis,
which means that you will have to pay for 6 nights (July 18 through
24) including breakfast, regardless of whether you leave early or
arrive late. (However, if you intend to arrive earlier than 18 July or
leave later than July 24, we can be accommodate you on a per-night

There are two types of room available, single occupancy and double
occupancy. The daily rate (room only) for single occupancy is $45.00
and the daily rate (room only) for double occupancy is $29.00 per
person. Breakfast is $5.75 per day. In order to make a reservation, we
need to receive a nonrefundable deposit of $25.00.

If you are booking accommodation, note that we only have limited
numbers of each kind of room and we may have to email you to discuss

Further enquiries: bfg2000 at

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