PACLIC 14: Call for Participation

ISHIKAWA Kiyoshi ling at
Wed Feb 2 17:08:33 UTC 2000

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                        CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

                      The 14th Pacific Asia Conference on
                     Language, Information and Computation
                              (PACLIC 14)
                           February 15 - 17, 2000
                    International Conference Center,
                         Waseda University


	The Logico-Linguistic Society of Japan welcomes anyone who is
        interested in languages in Pacific Asia region, in theoretical
        analysis of language, in computational analysis of language to the
        first PACLIC conference in the second millennium, PACLIC 14, to be
        hosted jointly by the Logico-Linguistic Society of Japan, Waseda
        University's Media Network Center and Institute of Language Teaching.

        PACLIC, which stands for the Pacific Asia Conference on Language,
        Information and Computation, is an annual gathering of scholars and
        researchers with a wide range of interests in theoretical and

	Topics discussed in the conference include, but are not limited to,
	such fields in theoretical and computational linguistics as
	information-based grammar, cognitive linguistics, typology, phonetics,
	formal semantics and pragmatics, discourse theories, typology, corpus
	linguistics, formal grammar theory, natural language processing, and
	computer applications. Anyone who is interested in the major languages in
	the region such as Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Russian, and
	English --- if not many others --- is also welcome.


   *  Venue

       International Conference Center, Waseda University, Tokyo

   * Dates
	      February 15th (Tuesday), 2000 --- February 17th (Thursday), 2000

     (Right after the conference, on 18th (Friday), its satelite workshop on
                 "Linguistics and Education in Multimedia Age"
        will be held at the same venue.)

   *  Conference   Fee

              Student           2,000 yen
              non-Student       4,000 yen
              Proceedings       1,000 yen / 1 copy

                             * Invited Speech *

                            February 16th, 2000.

                   Professor Masayoshi SHIBATANI,
                            Kobe University

             "Language Typology and the Comparison of Languages"


   While comparison of  languages presupposes a common framework neutral
   to  the structures  of  the  languages compared  and  contrasted, the
   contemporary  grammatical  terms  and  concepts  have been  developed
   primarily on  the basis  of Accusative-type  European languages. This
   has created  a great  deal of  confusion in  the universals research.
   Typological studies in recent  years have in part been concerned with
   the correction of this unfortunate situation. This presentation looks
   at the  syntactic organizations of three  distinct types of languages
   (the Accusative type, the Ergative type, and the Philippine-type) and
   examines the nature  of grammatical relations, Subject in particular,
   the voice  patterns, and  the ways  in which  semantic interpretation
   interacts with the typological differences in the organization of the
   argument structure.


For more information,

please visit our website at:



Dr. Masahito KAWAMORI

NTT Communication Science Laboratories
Media Information Laboratory

Phone: +81-462-40-3624
Email: kawamori at

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