Spanish clitics
Berthold Crysmann
crysmann at
Fri Feb 25 10:13:21 UTC 2000
Randy Sharp wrote:
> Dear All,
> Can someone suggest any references on the treatment of Spanish clitics?
> I'm particularly interested in "se" in all of its functions, as well as
> any ordering principles (like Perlmutter's output constraint on clitic
> ordering: se II I III, referring to "se"<2nd person<1st person<3rd
> person. The reflexive use of "se" is straightforward, as in:
> Se mataron. -> They killed themselves/each other.
> It's all the other uses of "se" that I'm curious about.
Dear Randy,
to get you started, you might want to have a look at Grimshaw (1982) (in
Bresnan & Kaplan: The mental representation), the classical lexicalist
analysis of "se", carried out in LFG.
It focusses on the different roles of se and their impact on argument
structure. Within HPSG, there's some discussion of the Italian reflexive
marker in Paola Monachesi's dissertation. Also, as far as I remember,
Miller & Sag (1997) (NLLT) cover different uses of se in French, though
there's no impersonal "se" in that language.
With the advent of OT, there's a renewed interest in clitic ordering,
haplology, and opacity (e.g. "se" like in "le lo" -> "se lo" ). You might
also want to have a look at these works.
Grimshaw, J. 1997: The Best Clitic: Constraint Conflict in Morphosyntax,
in Haegeman (ed.) Elements of Grammar, Kluwer.
There's also a paper by Birgit Gerlach on ordering and opacity in
"Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 1999", but it is written in German.
You may contact her for an English version of her analysis at
gerlach at
> Thanks for your suggestions.
> Randy Sharp
> University of British Columbia
Berthold Crysmann
Deutsches Forschungszentrum Kuenstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) GmbH
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
D-66123 Saarbruecken
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