English verbs selecting Bare forms

Mike Maxwell mike_maxwell at sil.org
Thu Apr 5 18:33:37 UTC 2001

Carl Pollard:
> Funny, isn't it, that uninflected TRY will take an AND+VP[base]
> complement, no matter whether it is base, imperative, or present
> non-3rdsng, but not the inflected forms TRIES, TRIED, TRYING?

I think that's true of lots of verbs:

    Run and make me a copy.
    Go and do likewise.
    Try and be nice to your aunt.

I just have a second to jot this note off, so I can't verify it, but there
seem to be restrictions on what the first verb is.  At any rate, I wouldn't
be suprised but that this is really just an imperative (and imperatives are
bare verbs).

                                         Mike Maxwell
                                         Summer Institute of Linguistics
                                         Mike_Maxwell at sil.org

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