convert a c-structure into f-structure

Anette Frank frank at
Mon Aug 6 09:39:00 UTC 2001

Hi Mosleh,

there is a series of papers that present methods and tools for semi-automatic
to automatic construction of f-structures from treebank c-structures.

J. van Genabith, A. Way and L. Sadler (1999):
   "Semi-Automatic Generation of F-Structures from Tree Banks",
   in: M. Butt and T.H. King (eds.): Proceedings of the LFG99 Conference,
   Manchester University, 19-21 July, CSLI Online Publications, Stanford,

J. van Genabith, L. Sadler and A. Way (1999):
   Data-Driven Compilation of LFG Semantic Forms,
   in:  EACL'99 Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora (LINC-99),
   Bergen, Norway, June 12th, pp. 69--76.

J. van Genabith, L. Sadler and A. Way (1999):
   Structure Preserving CF-PSG Compaction, LFG and Treebanks,
   in: Proceedings ATALA Workshop - Treebanks, Journees ATALA, Corpus annotes
   pour la syntaxe, Universite Paris 7, France, 18-19 Juin 1999, pp. 107--114.

Anette Frank (2000):
     "Automatic F-structure Annotation of Treebank Trees",
     in: Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King (eds): Proceedings of the LFG00 Conference,
     19 - 20 July 2000, University of California at Berkeley, CSLI Online Publications.

L. Sadler, J. van Genabith and A. Way (2000):
   "Automatic F-Structure Annotation from the AP Treebank,
   in: M. Butt and T.H. King (eds): Proceedings of the LFG00 Conference,
   University of California, Berkley, CSLI Online Publications, Stanford, CA.

Anette Frank, Louisa Sadler, Josef van Genabith, Andy Way (to appear):
     "From Treebank Resources to LFG F-Structures.
     Automatic F-Structure Annotation of Treebank Trees and CFGs extracted from Treebanks",
     to appear in: A. Abeille (ed): Treebanks. Building and using syntactically annotated corpora,
     Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.

You can find more info on the Treebank homepages set up at DCU Dublin:, as well as

and downloadable files at the individual homepages:


Anette Frank
DFKI GmbH                       Tel: (+49 - 681) 302 - 5318
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3            Fax: (+49 - 681) 302 - 5338
D-66123 Saarbrücken   

> Hi all,
> could u please tell me if there is anyway (algorithm/s, tool/s, etc.) to
> construct
> a Dependency struecture tree (f-structure) from Phrase-Structure Tree
> (c-structure).
> (i.e. convert a c-structure into f-structure).
> anyone knows???.
> regards
> mosleh

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