"just-in-time" sub-grammar extraction

Vlado Keselj vkeselj at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Feb 13 17:59:14 UTC 2001


I am looking for relevant work, and ideas, regarding the following
practical problem in HPSG parsing:

Given a large HPSG grammar and a short piece of text (a sentence, a
passage, or even a document), efficiently extract a small HPSG sub-grammar
(out of the larger one) that gives the same parsing and partial parsing
(chart edges) results.  This would improve the parsing speed.


Vlado Keselj              e-mail: vkeselj at cs.uwaterloo.ca
University of Waterloo    URL   : http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/~vkeselj/
Computer Science Graduate Student (PhD)

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