Draw AVM

Tom Hukari hukari at uvic.ca
Mon Jan 1 20:27:56 UTC 2001

If you are using ms office 98 or newer, you can do the trees using the
drawing tools. (I find just drawing the tree lines easier than using a
special font.)

Simple AVMs can be done in Office (Word) as a mix of text and brackets. For
brackets, open autoshapes & select 'basic shapes'. Don't use the left-right
bracket which comes as a pair. Select a left bracket & a right bracked.
With each, pull the yellow handle upwards. That gives you square corners
instead of the default rounded ones. You can just keep duplicating them as
needed by selecting them & typing the keyboard command apple-key + d. (If
they aren't selected, that keyboard command brings up the font editor but
if drawn objects are selected, it is a 'duplicate' command.)

For more complex avms, either use microsoft's equation editor or buy a more
powerful one (Mathtype equation editor is advertized in the microsoft
product). To invoke it, use the insert command in the menue & select
'object' if 'equation editor' isn't given. That should then take you to the
equation editor. (If an equation editor isn't an option, then you need to
do a custom re-installation of ms office & install it or buy a more
powerful product.) There is an embedding limit of 10 or so in both the ms
product and in Mathtype.


>Dear all,
>         I am a Mac user and for my thesis I have to insert HPSG trees,
>AVM and so on. My system is 8.1 and Expressionist, as far as I know, it
>doesn't run. But, Latex is driving me crazy... is there something less
>Anyway, Happy new year!

Thomas E. Hukari
Linguistics Department
University of Victoria
P.O. Box 3045
Victoria, B.C., Canada V8W 3P4
office: (250) 721-7422
fax: (250) 721-7423
hukari at uvic.ca

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