Filler-gap mismatches

Dick Hudson dick at
Fri May 4 22:43:27 UTC 2001

Dear Ivan,
How about a morphological rule that says that "of that" reduces to "that"?
I suspect that most of the facts quoted so far would fall into a place then
- including the one below.
PS This issue seems to be a real meeting place for theories, doesn't it?

>But I'm still unclear about what really ameliorates cases like (7):
> ?*Sandy could think of, under most circumstances, that he might be wrong,
>   and not of what the actual consequences might be if he were right.
> ?*Sandy thought about, when she was in Rome, that she might have
>   made a mistake.
>Of course these adverbs don't really like to separate a preposition from
>its NP object either:
> ?(?)Sandy could think of, under most circumstances, only
>     the consequences of their decision

Richard (= Dick) Hudson

Phonetics and Linguistics, University College London,
Gower Street, London WC1E  6BT.
+44(0)20 7679 3152; fax +44(0)20 7383 4108;

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