HPSG 2001 - Call for Participation
Lars Hellan
lhellan at stanford.edu
Tue May 29 23:18:01 UTC 2001
8th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway
3-5 August 2001
The 8th International Conference on HPSG will take place in Norway on
3-5 August 2001, hosted by the Norwegian University of Science and
Technology (NTNU), Trondheim. The conference includes a special
session on SEMANTICS in HPSG. The site for the conference is at the
Gloeshaugen campus of the university, located close to downtown. The
web-site of the conference, with updates of the program, information
about hotels, etc., is http://www.ling.hf.ntnu.no/HPSG2001.
(The conference will be immediately succeeded by a one week Summer
school on constraint based grammar, also in Trondheim, at the Dragvoll
campus of the university, August 6-11. The web-site of the Summer
school is also http://www.ling.hf.ntnu.no/HPSG2001.)
Friday, August 3:
09.00-10.00 Registration
10.00-10.10 Opening
10.10-11.00 Carl Pollard, Ohio State University (invited talk): tba
11.00-11.20 Coffee/tea
11.20-12.10 Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer, Universitaet Tuebingen
(invited talk):
A semantic "Trampe" for HPSG: easy ways from bottom to top
and back in Trondheim
12.10-14.00 Lunch
14.00-14.40 Ash Asudeh, Stanford University, and Richard Crouch, Xerox
PARC: Glue Semantics for HPSG
14.40-15.20 Markus Egg and Katrin Erk, Universitaet des Saarlandes:
A compositional account of VP ellipsis
15.20-15.40 Coffee/tea
15.40-16.20 Kei Yoshimoto, Tohoku University, and Yoshiki Mori, Keio
A Compositional Semantics for Complex Tenses in Japanese
16.20-17.00 Olivier Bonami, Universite Rennes 2:
A syntax/semantics interface for tense and aspect in French
17.00-17.20 Coffeetea
17.20-18.00 Erhard W. Hinrichs, Eberhard-Karls-Universitaet Tuebingen,
and Tsuneko Nakazawa, University of Tokyo:
Case Matching in Bavarian Relative Clauses -- A declarative,
non-derivational Account
17.40-18.20 Chiharu Uda Kikuta, Doshisha University:
Integrating the Complement and the Adverbial Analyses of
Internally-Headed Relative Clause
20.00 - Conference dinner
Saturday, August 4:
9.30-10.10 Detmar Meurers, Ohio State University:
To flip or not to flip: On the nature of irregularities
in the German verbal complex
10.10-10.50 Incheol Choi and Stephen Wechsler, University of Texas at
Mixed Categories and Argument Transfer in the Korean
Light Verb
10.50-11.10 coffee/tea
11.10-12.00 Maria Bittner, Rutgers University (invited talk):
Bridging Semantics for HPSG: Missing Links in Verb Chaining
12.00-12.30 lunch
13.30-14.10 Ash Asudeh, Stanford University, and Ewan Klein,University
of Edinburgh:
Shape Conditions and Phonological Context
14.10-14.50 Berthold Crysmann, DFKI GmbH, Saarbruecken:
Phonological properties of Portuguese clitics: a
declarative approach
14.50-15.10 coffee/tea
15.10-15.50 Stefan Mueller, Interprice GmbH:
The Morphology of German Particle Verbs: Solving the
Bracketing Paradox
15.50-16.30 Nathan Vaillette, Ohio State University and Universitaet
Irish particle alternation in HPSG
16.30-16.50 coffee/tea
16.50-17.30 Chan Chung, Dongseo University:
Mixed Functional Properties in English Locative Inversion
17.30-18.10 Kordula De Kuthy, Ohio State University:
The Information Structure of Discontinuous NPs in German
18.20 - 'Business meeting'
Sunday, August 5:
9.30-10.10 Olivier Bonami, Universite Rennes 2, and Gilles Boye,
Universite Nancy 2:
Suppletion and stem dependency in inflectional morphology
10.10-10.50 Kathryn Campbell-Kibler, Stanford University:
Bech's problem, again: The Dutch word `er'
10.50-11.10 coffee/tea
11.10- 12.00 Ivan Sag, Stanford University (invited talk): tba
12.00-13.30 lunch
13.30-14.10 Michael W. Daniels, Ohio State University:
On a Type-Based Analysis of Feature Indeterminacy and the
Coordination of Unlikes
14.10-14.50 Roger Levy, Stanford University, and Carl Pollard, Ohio
State University:
Coordination and Neutralization in HPSG
14.50- 15.10 coffee/tea
15.10-15.50 Jesse Tseng, Universite Paris 7:
Remarks on Marking
15.50-16.30 Andreas Kathol, UC Berkeley:
Nominal head-marking constructions: two case studies from
Antonio Branco, University of Lisbon:
Without an Index: a lexicalist account of binding
Nurit Melnik, UC Berkeley:
Intransitive predicates and the notion of "subject" in Modern Hebrew
Byung-Soo Park, Kyung Hee University:
Constraints on Multiple Case Constructions in Korean:
Interactions of Focus, Predication, and Generalized Possession
Eun-Jung Yoo, Seoul National University:
Korean Floating Quantifiers and Quantifier Scoping
Frank Van Eynde (Leuven, Chair)
Anne Abeille (Paris 7) Doug Arnold (Essex)
Emily Bender (Berkeley) Elisabet Engdahl (Gothenburg)
Erhard Hinrichs (Tuebingen) Tom Hukari (Victoria)
Lars Hellan (Trondheim) Gertjan van Noord (Groningen)
Carl Pollard (Ohio State) Adam Przepiorkowski (Warsaw)
Shuichi Yatabe (Tokyo) Eun-Jung Yoo (Seoul)
Lars Hellan and Torbjoern Nordgaard
lars.hellan at hf.ntnu.no - - torbjorn.nordgard at hf.ntnu.no
Linguistics Department,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Trondheim, Norway
-------------- next part --------------
8th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway
3-5 August 2001
The 8th International Conference on HPSG will take place in Norway on
3-5 August 2001, hosted by the Norwegian University of Science and
Technology (NTNU), Trondheim. The conference includes a special
session on SEMANTICS in HPSG. The site for the conference is at the
Gloeshaugen campus of the university, located close to downtown. The
web-site of the conference, with updates of the program, information
about hotels, etc., is http://www.ling.hf.ntnu.no/HPSG2001.
(The conference will be immediately succeeded by a one week Summer
school on constraint based grammar, also in Trondheim, at the Dragvoll
campus of the university, August 6-11. The web-site of the Summer
school is also http://www.ling.hf.ntnu.no/HPSG2001.)
Friday, August 3:
09.00-10.00 Registration
10.00-10.10 Opening
10.10-11.00 Carl Pollard, Ohio State University (invited talk): tba
11.00-11.20 Coffee/tea
11.20-12.10 Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer, Universitaet Tuebingen (invited talk):
A semantic "Trampe" for HPSG: easy ways from bottom to top
and back in Trondheim
12.10-14.00 Lunch
14.00-14.40 Ash Asudeh, Stanford University, and Richard Crouch, Xerox
PARC: Glue Semantics for HPSG
14.40-15.20 Markus Egg and Katrin Erk, Universitaet des Saarlandes:
A compositional account of VP ellipsis
15.20-15.40 Coffee/tea
15.40-16.20 Kei Yoshimoto, Tohoku University, and Yoshiki Mori, Keio
A Compositional Semantics for Complex Tenses in Japanese
16.20-17.00 Olivier Bonami, Universite Rennes 2:
A syntax/semantics interface for tense and aspect in French
17.00-17.20 Coffeetea
17.20-18.00 Erhard W. Hinrichs, Eberhard-Karls-Universitaet Tuebingen,
and Tsuneko Nakazawa, University of Tokyo:
Case Matching in Bavarian Relative Clauses -- A declarative,
non-derivational Account
17.40-18.20 Chiharu Uda Kikuta, Doshisha University:
Integrating the Complement and the Adverbial Analyses of Japanese
Internally-Headed Relative Clause
20.00 - Conference dinner
Saturday, August 4:
9.30-10.10 Detmar Meurers, Ohio State University:
To flip or not to flip: On the nature of irregularities
in the German verbal complex
10.10-10.50 Incheol Choi and Stephen Wechsler, University of Texas at Austin:
Mixed Categories and Argument Transfer in the Korean Light Verb
10.50-11.10 coffee/tea
11.10-12.00 Maria Bittner, Rutgers University (invited talk):
Bridging Semantics for HPSG: Missing Links in Verb Chaining
12.00-12.30 lunch
13.30-14.10 Ash Asudeh, Stanford University, and Ewan Klein,University of Edinburgh:
Shape Conditions and Phonological Context
14.10-14.50 Berthold Crysmann, DFKI GmbH, Saarbruecken:
Phonological properties of Portuguese clitics: a declarative approach
14.50-15.10 coffee/tea
15.10-15.50 Stefan Mueller, Interprice GmbH:
The Morphology of German Particle Verbs: Solving the
Bracketing Paradox
15.50-16.30 Nathan Vaillette, Ohio State University and Universitaet
Irish particle alternation in HPSG
16.30-16.50 coffee/tea
16.50-17.30 Chan Chung, Dongseo University:
Mixed Functional Properties in English Locative Inversion
17.30-18.10 Kordula De Kuthy, Ohio State University:
The Information Structure of Discontinuous NPs in German
18.20 - 'Business meeting'
Sunday, August 5:
9.30-10.10 Olivier Bonami, Universite Rennes 2, and Gilles Boye,
Universite Nancy 2:
Suppletion and stem dependency in inflectional morphology
10.10-10.50 Kathryn Campbell-Kibler, Stanford University:
Bech's problem, again: The Dutch word `er'
10.50-11.10 coffee/tea
11.10- 12.00 Ivan Sag, Stanford University (invited talk): tba
12.00-13.30 lunch
13.30-14.10 Michael W. Daniels, Ohio State University:
On a Type-Based Analysis of Feature Indeterminacy and the
Coordination of Unlikes
14.10-14.50 Roger Levy, Stanford University, and Carl Pollard, Ohio
State University:
Coordination and Neutralization in HPSG
14.50- 15.10 coffee/tea
15.10-15.50 Jesse Tseng, Universite Paris 7:
Remarks on Marking
15.50-16.30 Andreas Kathol, UC Berkeley:
Nominal head-marking constructions: two case studies from Luiseno
Antonio Branco, University of Lisbon:
Without an Index: a lexicalist account of binding
Nurit Melnik, UC Berkeley:
Intransitive predicates and the notion of "subject" in Modern Hebrew
Byung-Soo Park, Kyung Hee University:
Constraints on Multiple Case Constructions in Korean:
Interactions of Focus, Predication, and Generalized Possession
Eun-Jung Yoo, Seoul National University:
Korean Floating Quantifiers and Quantifier Scoping
Frank Van Eynde (Leuven, Chair)
Anne Abeille (Paris 7) Doug Arnold (Essex)
Emily Bender (Berkeley) Elisabet Engdahl (Gothenburg)
Erhard Hinrichs (Tuebingen) Tom Hukari (Victoria)
Lars Hellan (Trondheim) Gertjan van Noord (Groningen)
Carl Pollard (Ohio State) Adam Przepiorkowski (Warsaw)
Shuichi Yatabe (Tokyo) Eun-Jung Yoo (Seoul)
Lars Hellan and Torbjoern Nordgaard
lars.hellan at hf.ntnu.no - - torbjorn.nordgard at hf.ntnu.no
Linguistics Department,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Trondheim, Norway
More information about the HPSG-L
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