HPSG - basics ??

Nicholas Yates nyates at ulb.ac.be
Fri Oct 26 12:36:48 UTC 2001

Hi Danny,

It seems to me what you are asking is a full detailed account of HPSG
theory. You probably should try to get a good introductory book (Sag and
Wasow, 1999, Syntactic Theory: A formal introduction, CSLI, is a
comprehensive and  very accessible option).
Since you seem to be familiar with ALE, another good (and web-accessible)
way , I believe, to get a precise understanding of the formalism, is to
learn it by working on its computational implementation. Start by reading
the ALE users guide by Carpenter
and then continue with Colin Matheson's course on HPSG implementation in ALE

All the best,

Nicholas Yates
Université Libre de Bruxelles

----- Original Message -----
From: Daniel Avram <avram_daniel at yahoo.com>
To: <hpsg-l at lists.Stanford.EDU>
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 12:30 PM
Subject: HPSG - basics ??

>  I have a basic question :
>    The man ate a cake.
>  How do I aply HPSG on this ?
>   How do I know wich is the HEAD, the HEAD-DAUGHTERS
>   and how is an AVM for one word ?
>  Maybe I need a dictionary(database) with words and
> their properties.
>  Any practical examples on the net, because I couldnt
> find anything practical (only Prolog and Ale but this
> is a different approach).
>  Any suggestion will be welcome.
>   danny
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