HPSG Diagrams

Piotr Banski bansp at venus.ci.uw.edu.pl
Tue Dec 3 03:15:42 UTC 2002

On Mon, 2 Dec 2002, Ian Underwood wrote:

> Can anyone please tell me what software is typically used for creating
> HPSG diagrams? Microsoft equation editor is useful to some extent, of
> course, but I was wondering if there is a better alternative
> available. In particular, I have been unsuccessful in creating tags,

This is what I copied from a field in a handout created in Word -- the
word _tag_ will be boxed:

{ EQ \x \to \bo \le \ri (tag) }

Some two years ago or so, I posted to this list a summary concerning my
query concerning software that can be used to create AVMs under Windows.
It will obviously be heavily outdated by now, but you might want to search
for it in the list archive in case some of the urls still work. (It
probably wasn't sent from this address, but it must have had 'bansp@' and
my name in the 'From:' line.)

Hmm, maybe it was three years -- can't remember now :-)

Hope this helps at least a bit,


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