HPSG-2002 3rd CFP

Stephen M. Wechsler wechsler at mail.utexas.edu
Wed Feb 6 15:13:39 UTC 2002

                  THIRD CALL FOR PAPERS

              9th International Conference on
            Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
          Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea
                      8-9 August 2002


The 9th International Conference on HPSG will take place on 8-9
August 2002, on the campus of the Kyung Hee University in Seoul,
South Korea.  The conference will be co-hosted by the Linguistic
Society of Korea (LSK) and the Center for the Study of Language,
Kyung Hee University, as part of the LSK Summer Conference 2002.

HPSG-2002 solicits abstracts for presentations that address
linguistic, foundational, or computational issues relating to the
framework of
Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar.


Robert Borsley (University of Essex)
Robert Levine (Ohio State University)
Ivan Sag (Stanford University)

SPECIAL AUG. 7 LSK SYNTAX WORKSHOPS of interest to the HPSG community:

The Linguistic Society of Korea Conference will take place at the
same location on 5-7 August, 2002, immediately preceding HPSG-2002.
The final day of the LSK Conference, August 7, will feature two
syntax workshops directed at people working in HPSG and other
theoretical frameworks, on these topics:

	* Perspectives on Complex Predicates

	* Perspectives on Inversion

LSK invites abstracts for these workshops.  Information and
descriptions of the workshops appear below. For more information on
the LSK meeting, see http://web.kyunghee.ac.kr/~lsk2002/ or contact
Jong-Bok Kim, jongbok at khu.ac.kr .


We invite E-MAIL submissions of abstracts for 30 minute presentations
on any topic related to HPSG.  Your abstract must have two parts:

1) an information page in plain text format, containing
      - author name(s)
      - affiliation(s)
      - e-mail and postal address(es)
      - title of paper

2) An extended abstract with title, not more than 5 (five) pages
long, including all figures and references.  Abstracts may be either
in plain ASCII, PostScript, or PDF format.  A successful abstract
clearly describes the issues, presents an analysis (if appropriate)
and presents evidence for any proposals made, including samples of

If your mailer allows attachments, then please send part (1) in the
message body, and part (2) as an attachment.  (Otherwise send both in
message body.)

Abstracts should contain the subject heading 'HPSG-02 abstract' and
should be sent to:

  	wechsler at mail.utexas.edu

All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously, so authors are asked to
avoid obvious self-references in their abstracts.

Presentations will last 30 minutes + 10 minutes discussion.


   15 February 2002


   1 April 2002


Stephen Wechsler, chair
Olivier Bonami
Chan Chung
Takao Gunji
Andreas Kathol
Jong-Bok Kim
Louise McNally
Tsuneko Nakazawa
Carl Pollard
Frank Richter
Ivan Sag
Peter Sells
Melanie Siegel
Eun-Jung Yoo


Jong-Bok Kim
School of English, Kyung Hee University
jongbok at khu.ac.kr
Tel: 82-2-961-0892

Questions about HPSG-2002?
on submission of abstracts:  Stephen Wechsler, wechsler at mail.utexas.edu
on conference arrangements:  Jong-Bok Kim, jongbok at khu.ac.kr

Aug. 7, 2002
Kyung Hee University in Seoul, South Korea (same site as HPSG-02)


Invited Workshop participants:
Peter Sells (organizer); Danièle Godard; others TBA

Complex Predicates-- for example certain causative, resultative,
serial verb, and light verb constructions-- are predicates composed
of more than one grammatical element (either morphemes or words),
each of which contributes part of the syntactic and semantic
information more typically associated with a single head.  Complex
Predicates are found in many (perhaps all) languages, and often show
quite similar combinations of argument structure despite radically
different overt expressions across languages.  They raise several
analytical questions:  How are the composite argument structures
formed and represented (e.g. exactly what is combined, and how does
that combination happen)?  What is the range of permissible argument
structure combinations (i.e. the semantic and syntactic typology of
complex predicates)?  What is the set of permissible structural
representations for a given type (e.g. causatives)?

Different theoretical approaches such as HPSG, LFG, and GB/MP, offer
different perspectives and formal tools for the exploration of these
questions.  This workshop will air diverse views on this topic, with
the goal of achieving greater insight into the questions above and
other related issues.  We invite abstracts for 30 minute
presentations that address any empirical or theoretical issues
relevant to the analysis of Complex Predicates, from any theoretical


Invited Workshop participants:
Ivan Sag & Robert Levine (co-organizers); Howard Lasnik; Robert Borsley

Inversion -- the patterned positional alternation of lexical
elements-- has been of central importance in the development of most
frameworks for syntactic analysis. Inversion phenomena are diverse,
including interrogative-related initial position in Germanic, Romance
and other language families (e.g. English subject-auxiliary
inversion), second position phenomena, extraction-related `stylistic'
inversion in Romance, VSO languages, etc.  A range of approaches to
inversion have been offered:  transformational frameworks treat
inversion phenomena in terms of operations such as Head Movement;
HPSG and other constraint-based, lexicalist (CBL) frameworks allow
alternate structures (inverted and non-inverted) to be directly
generated; and some LFG treatments take a middle ground, positing the
Head-Movement-like notion of 'extended head', whereby a word can lie
outside the phrase it heads, but in a constraint-based setting.  The
purpose of this session is to bring together researchers working in
transformational and CBL frameworks to arrive at a deeper
understanding of the theoretical and empirical issues at stake in the
different approaches to inversion that have been explored.
Contributions to this session may address any empirical or
theoretical issues relevant to the analysis of inversion phenomena.

We invite abstracts for 30 minute presentations addressing any aspect
of inversion, using any theoretical framework.

LSK Workshop abstracts should be a single page, with an additional
page for data/references if needed.  Abstracts should be submitted
electronically to lsk2002 at khu.ac.kr . The abstract should either be
pasted into the email or should be an attachment as an ASCII text
file, Word, PS or PDF file. Please use the subject header ``LSK 2002
Workshop Abstract: Your last name and first name initial''.  Include
all the author information (the title of the paper, workshop title,
the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s), and the address,
phone number and e-mail address of the primary author) in the body of
the e-mail.

Deadline for LSK Workshop abstract submission: March 15, 2002.
Notification of acceptance: April 30, 2002.
For more information see http://web.kyunghee.ac.kr/~lsk2002/
or contact Jong-Bok Kim, jongbok at khu.ac.kr
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