Type identity

Adam Przepiórkowski adamp at ipipan.waw.pl
Thu Feb 28 17:01:33 UTC 2002

Hi Berthold,

> does anyone know of any examples where type-identity (or inequality), as
> opposed to token-identity, plays a role in syntax?

I am not sure about syntax, but Tilman Hoehle has a paper (in the
"Slavic in HPSG" CSLI volume) in which he crucially relies on
type-identity in his account of phonology in HPSG.

We (the HPSG group in Warsaw) have an analysis of coordination relying
on type identity (for checking 'sameness' of conjuncts in certain
kinds of coordinate structures), but this analysis is rather
preliminary and -- hence -- probably not a good argument for
type-identity in syntax.

	Adam P.

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