New submissions to the HPSG bibliography
Stefan Müller
Stefan.Mueller at
Mon Jun 3 14:36:29 UTC 2002
Hi everybody,
This mail contains a list of entries that were submitted to the HPSG
Bibliography during the last three month. This time there are 24 new
entries. Thanks for the submissions.
Please submit further entries at
If you do not like the web interface, you may send me BibTeX entries and
I will integrate them.
Thanks and greetings
PD Dr. Stefan Müller
Institut für Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft
Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena
Fürstengraben 30
D-07743 Jena
Tel: (+49) (+3641) 9 44 320
Fax: (+49) (+3641) 9 44 322
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