Numeral Classifier

Melanie Siegel siegel at
Fri May 3 07:26:39 UTC 2002

I know that T.Gunji  has worked on this topic in the framework of
HPSG. Here's some bibliographic information I got:

 author = "Gunji, Takao  ",
 year = 1992,
 title = "Apparent Asymmetry in Numeral Classifiers",
  note =         "Unpublished Manuscript.",
(I have a hard copy of that if you're interested)

Emily Bender and I have worked on Japanese HPSG; including some work
on numeral classifiers. An already published paper on Japanese number
names and HPSG is:

  author =       {Emily M. Bender},
  title =        {Number Names in Japanese: A Head-Medial
Construction in a Head-Final Language},
  booktitle =    {Linguistic Society of America},
  year =         2002,
  address =      {USA},
  month =        {January}
(I have an electronic copy of that if you're interested).

We have submitted another paper on the grammar (including some words
about numeral classifiers), but did not yet get an answer. I'll send
you a copy as soon as it is accepted.

There is lots of work on numeral classifiers in Japanese, but not
necessarily in the HPSG framework. You might want to have a look at:

There you'll find bibliographic information on
linguistic/computational linguistic topics on Japanese.



David Yoshikazu Oshima wrote:

> Dear All,
> If anybody knows of some HPSG works on numeral classifiers
> (in Chinese, Japanese or any other languages), please let me know.
> Thanks in advance,
> David Oshima <davidyo at>


---------------------------- at -|- at --------------------
Melanie Siegel
DFKI                    Tel: (+49 681) 302-5284
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3    Fax: (+49 681) 302-5338
D-66123 Saarbruecken

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