HPSG 2003, 1st CFP

Borsley R D rborsley at essex.ac.uk
Wed Nov 27 09:04:41 UTC 2002

10th International Conference on
Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
East Lansing, Michigan, USA
July 18-20, 2003

The 10th International Conference on HPSG will take place on 18-20 July
2003 at Michigan State University, East Lansing (held in conjunction with
the 2003 Linguistic Institute).

Abstracts are solicited for 30 minute presentations (followed by 10
minutes of discussion) which address linguistic, foundational, or
computational issues relating to the framework of Head-Driven Phrase
Structure Grammar.


We invite E-MAIL submissions of abstracts, to consist of two parts

1) a separate information page in plain text format, containing
- author name(s)
- affiliation(s)
- e-mail and postal address(es)
- title of paper

2) An extended abstract with title, not more than 5 (five) pages long,
including all figures and references. Abstracts may be either in plain
ASCII, PostScript, or PDF format. A successful abstract clearly describes
the issues, presents an analysis (if appropriate) and presents evidence
for any proposals made, including samples of data.
If your mailer allows attachments, then please send part (1) in the
message body, and part (2) as an attachment.

Abstracts should contain the subject heading 'HPSG-03 abstract' and should
be sent to:

rborsley at essex.ac.uk

All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously, so authors are asked to avoid
obvious self-references in their abstracts.


  15 February 2003


  15 April 2003


Bob Borsley, chair
Doug Arnold
Elisabet Engdahl
Erhard Hinrichs
Ton Hukari
Andreas Kathol
Jean-Pierre Koenig
Shalom Lappin
Detmar Meurers
Adam  Przepirkowski
Tsuneko Nakazawa
Ivan Sag
Gert Webelhuth
Shuichi Yatabe

Bob Borsley
Department of Language and Linguistics, University of Essex
rborsley at essex.ac.uk
Tel: 44-1206-873762

Questions on abstract submittal: Bob Borsley, rborsley at mail.utexas.edu

Questions on conference arrangements: Ivan Sag, sag at csli.Stanford.EDU

Prof. Robert D. Borsley
Department of Language and Linguistics
University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park

rborsley at essex.ac.uk
tel: +44 1206 873762
fax: +44 1206 872198

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