agreement book

Stephen M. Wechsler wechsler at
Mon Feb 17 19:38:47 UTC 2003

We are pleased to announce the upcoming publication of our book, `The
Many Faces of Agreement'.  By agreement with CSLI Publications, a
prepublication draft is now available for download.  You will need to
obtain a password from one of us.  See:

The Table of Contents appears below.  Thanks for your interest,

Steve Wechsler, wechsler at
Larisa Zlatic, lzlatic at

The Many Faces of Agreement
Table of Contents

I. Semantics, Morphology, and Agreement. 1.

1. The Systematicity of Agreement. 3.
1.1. Introduction. 3.
1.2. Theoretical and scholarly background. 7.
1.3. Types of agreement. 8.
1.3.1. Pragmatic agreement. 10.
1.3.2. Pragmatic versus Index agreement. 11.
1.3.3. Concord versus Index Agreement. 14.
1.4. Agreement in HPSG. 17.
1.5. Agreement features: rules and exceptions. 24.
1.6. Agreement Constraints. 25.

2. From Morphology to Concord. 27.
2.1. Introduction. 27.
2.2. The Serbian/Croatian declension system. 27.
2.3. Declension-concord mismatches. 30.
2.4. Animacy as a subgender. 34.
2.5. Conclusion. 36.

3. From Concord to Index. 37.
3.1. Introduction. 37.
3.2. Mixed agreement with deca -type nouns. 37.
3.3. Nominative deca. 39.
3.4. Participles and predicate adjectives. 40.
3.5. Relative clauses. 42.
3.5.1.koji-relatives. 43.
3.5.2. sto-relatives. 45.
3.6. Conclusion. 46.

4. From Index to Semantics. 49.
4.1. Gender and sex. 49.
4.2. Gender-exocentricity. 55.
4.3. Semantic and grammatical number. 58.
4.4. Conclusion. 62.

5. Synthesis: the Agreement Hierarchy revisited. 65.
5.1. Combining the constraints. 65.
5.2. Corbett's Agreement Hierarchy. 66.
5.3. Grammatical variation: a comparison with Corbett. 68.
5.4. Conclusion. 71.

II. Further Explorations of Agreement. 73.

6. Expanding the Category of Person. 75.
6.1. Agreement mismatches with T/V pronouns. 75.
6.2. The disconnect between French finite and non-finite predicates. 78.
6.3. Revising the French person/number paradigm. 79.
6.4. The T/V distinction as person, not number. 83.
6.5. Number in the third person. 87.
6.6. Conclusion. 88.

7. Declinability. 91.
7.1. Introduction. 91.
7.2. Three ways to quantify a nominal. 92.
7.2.1. Adjectival quantifiers. 92.
7.2.2. Inflected nouns as quantifiers (Q$_in$NPs). 93.
7.2.3. Uninflected nouns as quantifiers (Q$_un$NPs). 95.
7.3. Case-marking and the distribution of Q$_un$NPs. 99.
7.3.1. Undeclined female names. 104.
7.3.2. Distribution of caseless nominals. 106.
7.3.3. An existential constraint. 110.
7.3.4. Problems with feature percolation accounts. 115.
7.3.5. Oblique case assigned by prepositions. 118.
7.4. Why do Q$_un$NPs fail to trigger agreement?. 120.
7.4.1. Featureless indices. 121.
7.4.2. Problems with treating quantifiers as neuter singular. 127.
7.4.3. Problems with treating Q$_un$NPs as non-nominative. 131.
7.5. Dialects allowing agreement with Q$_un$NPs. 134.
7.6. Agreement with the numerals two, three, and four. 135.
7.7. Conclusion. 139.

8. Gender Resolution in Coordinate Structures. 141.
8.1. Introduction . 141.
8.2. Gender resolution patterns. 142.
8.3. Syntactic feature computation. 144.
8.4. Syntactic versus semantic resolution.. 145.
8.5. Animates and genders with semantic correlates.. 149.
8.6. The origin of inanimate resolution rules.. 152.
8.7. Origins of the featural representations of grammatical genders.. 154.
8.8. How inherent gender blocks semantic gender. 158.
8.9. `Syntactic' and `semantic' gender resolution revisited.. 159.
8.10. Competition between semantic and syntactic resolution.. 160.
8.11. Conclusion. 161.

9. Pronoun Agreement. 163.
9.1. The boundaries of grammar. 163.
9.2. Reflexives and bound variables. 167.
9.2.1. Case, binding, and agreement. 167.
9.2.2. Analysis. 172.
9.3. Coreference. 175.
9.4. Paychecks, donkeys, and ellipsis. 180.
9.4.1. Paycheck pronouns. 180.
9.4.2. Two hypotheses. 182.
9.4.3. Donkey pronouns. 185.
9.5. Conclusion. 189.

References. 191.

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