Magali Jeanmaire duclaux at elda.fr
Wed Jul 16 12:46:37 UTC 2003

ELRA is happy to announce that new resources are
available in its catalogue of language resources
You will find below the short descriptions of 4 new resources.
We invite you to visit the on-line catalogue on our web sites,
at http://www.elda.fr or http://www.elra.info, to get more
detailed descriptions.

Please contact us if you would like to get more information.

ELRA-S0147 Italian Speech Corpus 1 (Appen)
The Italian Speech Corpus contains the recordings of 202 native
Italian speakers recorded in an office and a closed public place,
over 4 channels, in a range of low to medium background noise

ELRA-S0148 Italian TTS Speech Corpus (Appen)
The Italian TTS Speech Corpus contains the recordings of 1
native Italian speaker recorded in a studio over 1 channel.

ELRA-S0149 Spanish Speech Corpus 1 (Appen)
The Spanish Speech Corpus 1 contains the recordings of 200
native Spanish speakers recorded in an office and a closed
public place, over 4 channels, in a range of low to medium
background noise environments.

ELRA-S0150 Spanish TTS Speech Corpus (Appen)
The Spanish TTS Speech Corpus contains the recordings of 1
native Spanish speaker recorded in a studio over 1 channel.

Marketing & Communication

55-57, rue Brillat-Savarin
75013 Paris FRANCE
Tel: (+33) 1 43 13 33 33 / Fax: (+33) 1 43 13 33 30
Web sites: http://www.elra.info or http://www.elda.fr

LREC conference: http://www.lrec-conf.org

LangTech forum: http://www.lang-tech.org

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