FGVienna: The 8th conference on Formal Grammar

Shuly Wintner shuly at cs.haifa.ac.il
Tue Jun 3 06:46:07 UTC 2003

			Call for Participation

	    FGVienna: The 8th conference on Formal Grammar
			    Collocated with
  The 15th European Summer School in Logic Language and Information
		  Vienna, Austria, 16-17 August 2003


Deadline for early registration: June 15, 2003.

Conference website: http://cs.haifa.ac.il/~shuly/fg03/
Program: http://www.cs.haifa.ac.il/~shuly/fg03/program.html
Registration: http://www.logic.at/esslli03/registration/regform.php

Shuly Wintner
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Haifa, 31905 Haifa, Israel
Phone: +972 (4) 8288180  Fax: +972 (4) 8249331
shuly at cs.haifa.ac.il   http://cs.haifa.ac.il/~shuly

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