CFP Eighth Symposium on Logic and Language (2004, Debrecen, Hungary)

Detmar Meurers dm at
Thu Oct 9 01:32:27 UTC 2003

		      -- First announcement --

	     The Eighth Symposium on Logic and Language
			  Debrecen, Hungary
			 August 26-29, 2004

The Eighth Symposium on Logic and Language will be held in Debrecen
from 26th to 29th of August, 2004. The Symposium is organised by the
Linguistics Department and the Philosophy Department of the
University of Debrecen, in conjunction with the Research Institute
for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest).

The 2004 forum is the eighth instalment of the Logic and Language
Symposium series, which is designed to provide a forum where
logicians and linguists meet to share and discuss current issues
concerning how theories of linguistics and logic influence each
other, with the aim of promoting a fruitful cooperation. Preceding
symposiums took place in Debrecen (1987), Hajduszoboszlo (1989),
Revfulop (1990), Budapest (1992), Noszvaj (1994), Budapest (1998)
and Pecs (2002).


The Eighth Symposium on Logic and Language invites submissions for
25-minute presentations (plus 10 minutes for discussion) especially
on the various aspects of contextuality and the role it plays in
logic and linguistics.

The importance of the notion of context is widely acknowledged, even
if to varying degrees, among pursuers of theories of natural as well
as of formal languages. The very same word "context" often refers to
quite heterogeneous sets of intuitions, which is obviously reflected
in the corresponding formalisms. The aim of the Symposium is to
analyse, compare and discuss a wide range of problems which are
(directly or indirectly) related to the proper treatment of
contextuality both in logic and in linguistics.

We envisage a meeting with invited keynote speakers and a restricted
number of papers from logicians, linguists, philosophers and
computer scientists working on the formalization of contexts and the
use of context in applications. In general, we hope to promote a
discussion on how to recognize, acquire and represent contextual
information as well as on the interplay between particular
formalisms and the contextual information they aim to capture.

We also welcome contributions concerning related areas of the
description of languages. There exist various logics of context and
it is a matter of constant discussion to what extent we need
reference to context in approaches to information content,
information structure, logically relevant sense, intensionality,
dynamicity, valid inference, the proof theoretic handling of free
variables, etc. On the linguistics side, an adequate semantic or
syntactic account of a wide range of empirical phenomena, such as
anaphora, tense, aspectuality, topichood, focushood, contrastivity,
etc. heavily depends on the use and inclusion of different types of
contextual information. The study of these specific domains might
help to develop a fuller understanding of the notion of context.

The programme will also include a special series of short lectures
given by members of the Advisory and Review Board as well as keynote
lectures by Chris Fox & Shalom Lappin (joint lecture), and Paul


Tamas Mihalydeak (chair - logic)
Laszlo Hunyadi (chair - linguistics)
Eniko Toth (organizer)
Gyorgy Rakosi (organizer)


Submissions should consist of:

1. An anonymous abstract of maximum four pages (1500 words).

2. A separate page with the following information: title of the
   paper, author's name, address, affiliation, phone and fax number,
   complete mailing address and a 200-word long summary.

We strongly encourage electronic submissions, which can be in pdf,
ps, rtf or word format.

Abstracts should be sent to:   submit at

The deadline for the submission of abstracts is: March 15, 2004.

All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by the LoLa8 Advisory and
Review Board, which consists of:

-Gabor Alberti (University of Pecs)
-Johan van Benthem (University of Amsterdam)
-Paul Dekker (University of Amsterdam)
-Jan van Eijck (Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica,
                Amsterdam/Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS)
-Martin Everaert (Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS)
-Chris Fox (University of Essex)
-Beata Gyuris (Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian
               Academy of Sciences)
-Laszlo Kalman (Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian
                Academy of Sciences)
-Andras Kertesz (University of Debrecen)
-Ferenc Kiefer (Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian
                Academy of Sciences)
-Shalom Lappin (King's College, London)
-Marta Maleczki (University of Szeged)
-Andras Mate (Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest)
-Peter Mekis (Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest)
-Detmar Meurers (The Ohio State University)
-Barbara H. Partee (University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA)
-Christopher Pinon (Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian
                    Academy of Sciences)
-Peter Rebrus (Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian
               Academy of Sciences)
-Henk van Riemsdijk (Tilburg University)
-Anna Szabolcsi (New York University)
-Henk Verkuyl (Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS)


Submission deadline: March 15, 2004
Notification of acceptance: May 1, 2004
Pre-registration deadline: May 30, 2004
Registration deadline: August 10, 2004


submit at (submission of abstracts)
lola8 at (any other correspondence)

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