[SPAM:#] LangTech 2003 Conference Programme (English version)

Magali Jeanmaire duclaux at elda.fr
Fri Sep 5 11:45:48 UTC 2003

(please accept our apologies if you have received multiple copies of this


We are happy to announce that the preliminary LangTech 2003 Conference
                 Programme is now available on the web site:



LangTech 2003 will be held on 24-25 November 2003 at Mérdien Montparnasse
Hotel in Paris.

Join us at LangTech 2003, the industrial and commercial forum for speech and
language technology!

Early-bird registration is available until 8th September to benefit from
registration fees applicable both to attendees and exhibiting companies.

SMEs involved in HLT can take advantage of the “elevator pitch" session to
the company and their innovative products, with the aim of attracting potential
customers and/or investors.
SME presentations are judged by a panel of experts: the best SME
presentations will
receive an award at the end of the forum.
SMEs wishing to take advantage of this opportunity are invited to contact
us asap, at
langtech2003 at elda.fr.

More information and some guidelines can be found on the LangTech 2003 web
at www.lang-tech.org.

If you would like to attend and/or exhibit at LangTech 2003, registration
forms can be
completed on-line:
- Attendees: http://www.lang-tech.org/registration/attend_reg.html
- Exhibitors: http://www.lang-tech.org/registration/exhibit_reg.html

Marketing & Communication

55-57, rue Brillat-Savarin
75013 Paris FRANCE
Tel: (+33) 1 43 13 33 33 / Fax: (+33) 1 43 13 33 30
Web sites: http://www.elra.info or http://www.elda.fr

LREC conference: http://www.lrec-conf.org

LangTech forum: http://www.lang-tech.org

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