ELRA News - LREC 2004 pre-satellite workshop

Magali Jeanmaire duclaux at elda.fr
Fri Feb 13 11:34:04 UTC 2004

Our apologies if you have received multiple copies of this announcement

	First Announcement and Call for Contributions
Workshop: User Oriented Evaluation of Knowledge Discovery Systems

Centro Cultural de Belem, Lisbon, Portugal.
25th May, 2004, afternoon

In association with the 4th International Conference on Language Resources
and Evaluation:
LREC 2004 - Main conference May 26th  28th, 2004

The problem area
Knowledge discovery systems, such as intelligent information extraction and
data mining,
offer special challenges to the evaluation community. The only real measure
of success
with such a system is whether it really will help someone to achieve an
objective efficiently,
in safety and with satisfaction (to paraphrase ISO/IEC 9126 talking
of'quality in use').

With other softwares, a task can be identified such that producing the
results specified will
satisfy the needs of a wide range of users: for example, a speech
recognition system must
accurately recognize words, a spelling checker must identify all mistaken
spellings, a machine
translation system must produce good quality translation, and this remains
true even if the
system is embedded in some larger system. In all these cases, simply
achieving the specified
results will be enough to achieve a certain level of quality. Furthermore,
there are accepted metrics
which can be applied to the system to judge whether it is achieving the
specified results.
Evaluators therefore create and implement metrics whose job, even if the
metric is applied to system
design or to system behaviour independently of context of use, is to
predict whether, at the end of the
day, someone will want to use the system to get some useful job done.

The situation is considerably more complicated in the case of knowledge
discovery systems,
where the notion of utility to a specific potential user is much more
complicated. The critical
question is not, for example, whether a given piece of software identifies
clusters with strong
intra-cluster similarity  and strong inter-cluster dissimilarity, but
whether the end user finds the
clusters identified useful in accomplishing his task.  By definition, the
task of each user is similar
to that of other users only at a quite high level of generality, such as
the search for new insights,
so that it is hard, if not impossible,to tell during system design and
subsequent development whether
the ultimate user will be happy or not. Of course, it would be possible to
manufacture and install
the system and then to test for user satisfaction in situ, but that seems a
less than satisfactory
solution from the system designer's or manufacturer's point of view.

Even apart from the problem of accounting for potential user needs,
definition of metrics for
knowledge discovery systems poses special problems for several reasons.
First, knowledge
discovery systems are typically used in situations where a mass of data too
large for thorough
human understanding has to be dealt with. Secondly, in at least some
situations, the data to be
treated is not homogeneous in kind or in reliability. Finally these and
other factors make it very difficult
if not impossible for an evaluator to define what might constitute a good
result. For example, if a
system is supposed to discover market trends or trends in teenage behaviour
which were previously
unknown, how can you find out whether it does so correctly or whether there
are important trends
which have gone undiscovered? This is, of course, only one example of a
question which might be asked.

To summarize all this in concrete terms, we give the following typical
scenario, which contributors to
the workshop may take as a framework for their contribution if they choose.

An organisation has a very large number of reports produced over many
years. These reports contain
information in the form of text, graphics and tabular data which is
potentially of considerable importance
to current and future projects of the organisation. It is not feasible to
search the mass of reports manually.
If the organisation wants to deploy a knowledge discovery system to find
and present information relevant
to a specified context, what criteria should it look for in a potential
system, and how can it evaluate whether
the system performs satisfactorily in retrieving pertinent information? If
the mass of documents to be
searched is even larger and perhaps dynamically changing, for example the
World Wide Web, how does
this change the evaluation?

Workshop format
The main purpose of the workshop is to launch discussion on this topic. The
workshop will start with brief
invited presentations setting out the points of view of
- the users
- the developers
- the evaluators
The rest of the workshop will be organised around brief presentations whose
main purpose is to set out
a problem in the user oriented evaluation of knowledge discovery and text
or data mining systems. Each
presentation will then serve as the basis for larger discussion with all
the participants in the workshop.
Thus the workshop will be divided up into one-hour sessions, each of which
will start with a twenty to
thirty minute presentation.

Proposals for presentations
We invite proposals for presentations from representatives of all those
concerned by the issues:

third party evaluators, specialists in evaluation, designers and
manufacturers of knowledge discovery
systems and most particularly users or potential users of knowledge
discovery systems.

Since the purpose of the workshop is to launch discussion, we are not
asking for full papers from those
who wish to make a presentation. Rather, contributions should set out the
problems to be presented
and should state whether a solution will also be presented. Elegant prose
is not required: contributions
in note form will be acceptable. Proposals for contributions may be very
brief, typically between two and
five pages. Final versions of the contributions will be included in the
workshop workbook, which will take
the place of a more conventional set of proceedings.

Submission procedure
Proposals for contributions should be sent to: Margaret.King at issco.unige.ch

Important Dates
- Deadline for proposals for contributions:  March 1st 2004
- Notification of acceptance: March 8th
- Preliminary Programme: March 10th
- Deadline for final version of contributions: April 8th
- Workshop: May 29th 2004

The workbook will be published by the LREC Local Organising Committee.
Final versions of contributions
must therefore conform to the style sheet that will be adopted for the LREC
This style sheet will be made available in February.

Organising Committee
Maghi King, ISSCO/TIM, University of Geneva
Hilbert Bruins Slot, Unilever Nederland BV
Myra Spiliopoulou, University of Magdeburg
Agnes Lisowska, ISSCO/TIM, University of Geneva
Nancy Underwood, ISSCO/TIM, University of Geneva
Fabio Rinaldi, Institute of Computational Linguistics, University of Zurich
Michael Hess, Institute of Computational Linguistics, University of Zurich

Further information
For any further information, please contact
Maghi King
e-mail: Margaret.King at issco.unige.ch
University of Geneva
40 blvd du Pont d'Arve
CH 1211 Geneva 4
Phone: +41 +22 739 87 55
Fax: +41 +22 739 86 89


55-57, rue Brillat-Savarin
75013 Paris FRANCE
Tel: (+33) 1 43 13 33 33 / Fax: (+33) 1 43 13 33 30
URL: http://www.elra.info or http://www.elda.fr

LREC conference: http://www.lrec-conf.org
LangTech forum: http://www.lang-tech.org

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