[COLING:DGwsh] Call for participation Dependency Grammar wsh
Geert-Jan Kruijff
gj at coli.uni-sb.de
Fri Jun 18 15:17:01 UTC 2004
(apologies for multiple copies)
August 28th, 2004
Workshop to be held in conjunction with COLING 2004
[ http://www.coli.uni-sb.de/conf/dg2004/index.phtml ]
Over the last years, there has been a strong revival of interest for
dependency grammar, following up on, and contributing to, the recent
advances in formal grammar and in computational linguistics. Dependency
grammar is, however, more of a "perspective" on grammar than a singular
framework, which has led to a great variety of proposals making this
perspective more concrete.
The last workshop dedicated purely to dependency grammar was the
Dependency Grammar workshop organized in conjunction with ACL-COLING
1998 in Montreal.
The goal of the current workshop is to offer a dedicated forum where
the community can present and assess recent advances in dependency
grammar, discuss issues, progress and prespectives, and to foster new
collaborations. The program for the workshop is given below.
To register for the workshop, please go to the following web site:
[ http://www.issco.unige.ch/coling2004/ ]
The (late) registration fee is CHF 150 for regular participants, and
CHF 120 for students. See the COLING web site for more details.
09:30 Start, opening
09:35 G.J.M. Kruijff and D. Duchier, "Recent developments in Dependency
10:00 C. Bosco and V. Lombardo, "Dependency and relational structure in
treebank annotation"
10:30 M. Pedersen, D. Eades, S.K. Amin and L. Prakash, "Relative
clauses in Hindi and Arabic: A Paninian Dependency Grammar Analysis"
11:00 Break
11:15 A. Nasr and O. Rambow, "A simple string-rewriting formalism for
Dependency Grammar"
11:45 A. Yli-Jyra, "Axiomatization of non-projective dependency trees
through finite state constraints that analyse crossing bracketings"
12:15 G. Schneider, F. Rinaldi, and J. Dowdall, "Fast, deep-linguistic
statistical minimalist dependency parsing"
12:45 Lunch break (90 minutes)
14:15 Poster Session:
M.J. Aranzabe, J.M. Arriola and A. Diaz de Ilarraza,
"Towards a dependency parser for Basque"
R. Bernardi, A. Bolognesi, F. Tamburini, and M. Moortgat,
"Categorial Type Logic meets Dependency Grammar to annotate an Italian
T. Obrebski and F. Gralinski, "Some notes on generative
capacity of Dependency Grammar"
T. By, "English Dependency Grammar"
R. Debusmann, D. Duchier and G.J.M. Kruijff, "Extensible
Dependency Grammar"
L. Coheur, N. Mamede and G.G. Bes, "From a surface analysis
to a dependency structure"
15:45 Break
16:00 A. Dikovsky, "Dependencies as Categories"
16:30 Y. Ding & M. Palmer, "Synchronous Dependency Insertion Grammars:
A Grammar Formalism for Syntax Based Statistical MT"
17:00 Closing discussion
17:45 End
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