
Stefan Müller Stefan.Mueller at cl.uni-bremen.de
Thu Nov 25 10:52:06 UTC 2004

Dear Ivan,

The German crowd usually takes some feature that points to either the
underlying subject or the underlying object. Representations for
unacusative verbs differ from those of unergative verbs by either not
having a pointer to an underlying subject or letting the pointer to the
underlying object point to the logical subject.

The object approach is taken by Kathol, 1991; Kathol, 1994; Pollard,
1994; Müller, 1999.

The subject designation builds on work by Haider in the framework of GB.
Subject designation is done by Heinz & Matiasek, 1994; Lebeth, 1994;
Kathol, 1994, Sec 7.3.3; Gunkel, 1999, Müller, 2002.

There are also approaches that point to both the underlying subject and
the underlying object: Ryu, 1997; Gunkel, 2003.

Except the most recent approach by Gunkel, these approaches are
discussed in more detail in Müller, 2002.

If people know of other papers, it would be great if they posted to the
list or if you could post a summary.

Best wishes


   author      =	{Lutz Gunkel},
   title	      =	{Causatives in {German}},
   journal     =	{Theoretical Linguistics},
   volume      =	25,
   number      =	{2/3},
   pages	      =	{133--159},
   year	      =	1999

   author      =	{Lutz Gunkel},
   title	      =	{{Infinitheit, Passiv und Kausativkonstruktionen im
   series      =	{Studien zur deutschen Grammatik},
   number      =	67,
   price	      =	{64 EUR},
   publisher   =	{Stauffenburg Verlag},
   address     =	{T{\"u}bingen},
   year	      =	2003

   author      =	{Wolfgang Heinz and Johannes Matiasek},
   editor      =	{John Nerbonne and Klaus Netter and Carl J. Pollard},
   booktitle   =	{German in Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar},
   title	      =	{Argument Structure and Case Assignment in {German}},
   chapter     =	6,
   pages	      =	{199--236},
   publisher   =	{CSLI Publications},
   address     =	{Stanford},
   series      =	{CSLI Lecture Notes},
   number      =	46,
   year	      =	1994

   author      =	{Andreas Kathol},
   title	      =	{Verbal and Adjectival Passives in {German}},
   booktitle   =	{Papers from the Third Student Conference in Linguistics},
   editor      =	{Jonathan David Bobaljik and Tony Bures},
   pages	      =	{115--130},
   address     =	{Cambridge, Massachusetts},
   publisher   =	{MIT},
   series      =	mitwpl,
   volume      =	14,
   year	      =	1991

   author      =	{Andreas Kathol},
   editor      =	{John Nerbonne and Klaus Netter and Carl J. Pollard},
   booktitle   =	{German in Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar},
   title	      =	{Passives without Lexical Rules},
   chapter     =	7,
   pages	      =	{237--272},
   publisher   =	cslip,
   series      =	{CSLI Lecture Notes},
   number      =	46,
   address     =	{Stanford},
   year	      =	1994

   author      =	{Kai Lebeth},
   title	      =	{{Morphosyntaktischer Strukturaufbau -- Die Generierung
komplexer Verben im
		HPSG-Lexikon eines Sprachproduktionssystems}},
   institution =	{Uni\-ver\-si\-t{\"a}t Hamburg, Fachbereich Informatik},
   type	      =	{Hamburger Arbeitspapiere zur Sprachproduktion -- IV},
   number      =	{Arbeitspapier \Nr 16},
   year	      =	1994

   author      =	{Stefan M{\"u}ller},
   title	      =	{{Deutsche Syntax deklarativ. Head-Driven Phrase
Structure Grammar f\"ur das
   publisher   =	{Max Niemeyer Verlag},
   address     =	{T\"ubingen},
   series      =	{Linguistische Arbeiten},
   number      =	394,
   note	      =	{\url{http://www.cl.uni-bremen.de/~stefan/Pub/hpsg.html}},
   year	      =	"1999"

   author      =	{Stefan M{\"u}ller},
   title	      =	{Complex Predicates: Verbal Complexes, Resultative
Constructions, and Particle Verbs in {German}},
   series      =	{Studies in Constraint"=Based Lexicalism},
   number      =	13,
   publisher   =	cslip,
   address     =	{Stanford},
   note	      =
   year	      =	2002

   author      =	{Carl J. Pollard},
   editor      =	{John Nerbonne and Klaus Netter and Carl J. Pollard},
   booktitle   =	{German in Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar},
   title	      =	{Toward a Unified Account of Passive in {German}},
   chapter     =	8,
   pages	      =	{273--296},
   publisher   =	cslip,
   series      =	{CSLI Lecture Notes},
   number      =	46,
   address     =	{Stanford},
   year	      =	1994

   author      =	{Byong-Rae Ryu},
   title	      =	{{Argumentstruktur und Linking im constraint"=basierten
Lexikon: Ein
		Zwei-Stufen-Modell für eine HPSG"=Analyse von Ergativität und
Passivierung im
   type	      =	"Arbeitspapiere des SFB 340",
   number      =	{\Nr 124},
   institution =	{Eberhard-Karls-Uni\-ver\-si\-t{\"a}t},
   address     =	{T\"ubingen},
   year	      =	1997

Stefan Müller

Universität Bremen/Fachbereich 10      Tel: (+49) (+421) 218-8601
Postfach 33 04 40
D-28334 Bremen



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