PostDoctoral and PhD opportunities in Dublin
josef at
josef at
Sun Aug 7 11:29:18 UTC 2005
Research Positions in
- Treebank-Based LFG Induction
- Data-Driven Machine Translation
in Dublin, Ireland.
We are looking to fill 6 research positions: 2 PostDoctoral Positions
and 4 PhD positions: 3 in Machine Translation (1 PostDoc and 2 PhD,
Andy Way) and 3 (1 PostDoc and 2 PhD, Josef van Genabith)
in Treebank-Based LFG acquisition.
------------ LFG Acquisition Positions in Dublin ----------
One PostDoctoral Position in Treebank-Based LFG Acquisition 2005-8
Two Ph.D. Scholarships in Japanese and Arabic Treebank-Based LFG
Acquisition 2005-8
The National Centre or Language Technology (NCLT) and the School of
Computing at Dublin City University, Ireland, invite applications for
Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) funded research positions:
- PostDoc: Treebank-Based Induction of Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG)
Resources - Integration with Hand-Crafted Resources
- PhD 1: Treebank-Based Induction of Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG)
Resources for Japanese
- PhD 2: Treebank-Based Induction of Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG)
Resources for Arabic
The PhD scholarships are for 3 years, starting now (or a.s.a.p.),
covering university registration fees and providing an annual
maintenance grant of euro 12,700 (tax free). The PostDoc salary is euro
41,500(taxed). The positions are available to both EU- and
Our ideal candidates have a strong background in (one or more of)
Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Processing and
Computer Science.
Native or near-native competence in Japanese/Arabic and good knowledge of
Japanese/Arabic linguistics are essential for the 2 PhD positions. Good
communication skills in English (written and oral) are important.
Knowledge of (one or more) of LFG, HPSG, CCG, TAG, PATR-II or similar
is an asset.
Programming experience in one (or more) of Java, C++, Perl, Python,
Prolog, Lisp etc. is a strong asset.
A keen interest in problem solving and research are essential.
The successful applicants will work in a team of 6 Ph.D. students and 2
Postdoctoral researchers to induce LFG-based grammatical resources from
treebanks for Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Spanish, German and French,
adapting the methodology of (Cahill et al. 2004). The Ph.D. positions for
Chinese, Spanish, French and German and one PostDoc position are already
To apply, please mail your CV and contact details for two references as
soon as possbile or at the latest by Friday, September 9th, 2005 to:
josef at
Please also use this email address for informal inquiries.
Prof. Josef van Genabith
National Centre for Language Technology NCLT
School of Computing
Dublin City University,
Dublin 9, Ireland.
(Cahill et al. 2004) Long-Distance Dependency Resolution in
Automatically Acquired Wide-Coverage PCFG-Based LFG Approximations, A.
Cahill, M. Burke, R. O'Donovan, J. van Genabith, and A. Way. In
Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics (ACL-04), July 21-26, pages 320-327,
Barcelona, Spain, 2004
-------------- MT Positions in Dublin ----------------
Following the recent award of a large grant by Science Foundation
Ireland, I am pleased to announce a number of openings in the area of
Data-Driven Machine Translation at the National Centre for Language
Technology in the School of Computing, Dublin City University, Ireland.
1. Post-Doctoral Researcher
I have one vacant post-doctoral position in the area of corpus-based MT.
Excellent knowledge of Example-Based or Statistical approaches to MT is a
prerequisite. The successful candidate will be a strong
programmer, and have a good publication record in this field. In
addition, knowledge of Arabic and/or Chinese would be an advantage.
Remuneration will be at the rate of Euro 37,200 per annum. The
position is open from 1st September 2005. A contract of between one and
four years will be awarded.
2. Postgraduate Researchers
There are two openings for PhD researchers in the area of corpus-based MT.
The successful candidates will have a First-class primary degree and/or a
Masters in a numerate discipline. Strong programming skills are required.
Knowledge of MT techniques would be an advantage, as would good to native
language skills in Arabic and/or Chinese.
Each student will receive a stipend of Euro 12,700 p.a., their fees will
be paid (currently Euro 3,400 p.a.), and a generous hardware and travel
allowance will be provided. The total package for each student is
approximately Euro 60,000 over 3 years. These PhD positions are available
from 1st September 2005.
Candidates for either the post-doctoral or postgraduate positions
should send their CV (in .pdf format, only) to away at as
soon as possible, and by August 31st at the latest. Questions or other
clarification should be emailed to the same address.
We look forward to welcoming you to our growing MT team!
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