proposing a AAAI Spring Symposium 2007 on Cognitive Approaches to NLP ...

ahmed hafez scientist01eg at
Fri Apr 28 04:13:28 UTC 2006

Dear Krishna,

I am a post graduate student working in the field of
Computational Linguistics. Currently I am working on
Arabic HPSG but I plan to use the grammar file with
NLP systems that have brain-based architecture. The
point is to use the data and the information of
Zewail's research reorganize it by building a
mathematics-based model of the human brain and a GIS
of it. Then, study this information well to build the
system according to our needs. I know that is not as
simple as it sounds and there are a lot of handicaps. 
May be that will be the topic of my paper for the
symposium who knows? But, in such case it will just be
an outline of the theoretical foundations. Is that OK
with you?

Best A. Hafez

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