Workshop Announcement (fwd)

Ivan A. Sag sag at
Thu Dec 14 17:26:41 UTC 2006

All, FYI. -Ivan

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> Sept. 26-28, 2007
> University of Adelaide    Adelaide, Australia
> A one day workshop on Definiteness and Referentiality will be held in
> conjunction with ALS 2007 at the University of Adelaide. We welcome papers
> on Australian, Austronesian, Asian and other natural languages, and in all
> areas of linguistics including sociolinguistics, language variation and
> change, first/second language acquisition, conversational analysis, and
> cognitive (including psycho-/neurolinguistic) processing of definiteness.
> The following topics are of particular interest:
> --data based studies of definiteness properties in particular languages
> --theoretical aspects of definiteness and/or specificity
> --the article systems of a language group(s)
> --the interaction of definiteness/specificity with the grammar of a
>        language
> --the behavior of subsystems within languages, e.g. polarity references
>        and number and quantification of nouns
> --the acquisition and development of definiteness and/or referentiality
>        in child and second languages
> --language change in progress with respect to a property or
>        subsystem of a language.
> Proposals for both a General Session and a Poster Session should include
> the author's name and affiliation, contact details (including e-mail and
> postal addresses), title of the paper, keywords, and a one page abstract
> of no more than 500 words, excluding examples and references.  Key
> references may include, but not limited to, the work of  Irene Heim, M.
> Enç, Kamp & Reyle (DRT), B. Partee, Donka Farkas, T.Givon, Christopher
> Lyons, J. Hawkins, and M. Haspelmath.  In your submission, please indicate
> your preference, and, if your choice is a General Session, please state if
> you would be willing to do a poster.
> The format of the sessions will be 20 minutes for each paper, followed by
> 10 minutes for discussion.  Posters will be displayed for one whole day,
> with a time slot left specifically for discussing them.  Poster sessions
> are ideal for feedback on work in progress.  Honors students are
> encouraged to apply.
> Each abstract will be blind reviewed on the basis of the following criteria:
>    --Topic appropriate to the workshop theme
>    --Paper contributing new knowledge on the topic
>    --Argument supported by data from natural language
>    --Clear statement of results
> Submissions should be sent electronically to Korpi.DefWorkshop at
>  In the e-mail subject line, please write ‘NAME ALSDEFworkshop’ where NAME
> is your surname.  The abstracts should be sent in the body of the e-mail
> message and also as an attachment in PDF or rtf format with filename: 
> DEADLINE for abstracts is March 16th with notification of acceptance by
> April 30.
> Selected papers from the workshop will be peer reviewed according to DEST
> standards and published in a special volume devoted to the workshop theme.
> Workshop organizers:
>              Brett Baker          - University of New England
>              Marie Fellbaum Korpi - The Australian National University
>              Harumi Minagawa      - The University of Auckland
>              Lesley Stirling      - The University of Melbourne)

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