HPSG 2006 -- Second Call for Papers

Jan-Philipp Soehn jp.soehn at uni-tuebingen.de
Wed Feb 15 10:03:23 UTC 2006


HPSG 2006
The 13th International Conference on
Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar

Varna, Bulgaria
July 24 - 27, 2006

Conference website: http://www.bultreebank.org/HPSG06/

The 13th International Conference on HPSG will take place in Varna on
July 24 -27, 2006, hosted by the Linguistic Modelling Laboratory, IPP,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
The conference will include some tutorials (July 24, tba)
and a workshop on "Regularity and Irregularity in Grammar and Language"
(July 25).


Frank van Eynde (Leuven)

Main conference:
Stefan Mueller (Bremen)
Shravan Vasishth (Potsdam)

July 26 - 27

Abstracts are solicited for 20 minute presentations (followed by 10
minutes of discussion) which address linguistic, foundational, or
computational issues relating to the framework of Head-Driven Phrase
Structure Grammar.

"Regularity and Irregularity in Grammar and Language"
July 25

The workshops associated with HPSG conferences typically address topics
that are relevant to any grammatical framework. Contributions to the
workshop from other frameworks are as welcome as abstract submissions
from the HPSG community!

The relationship between regularity and irregularity in language has
always been a central research theme in linguistic theorizing.
Contemporary grammatical frameworks in the generative tradition are no
exception in this regard, with research dating back at least as far as
George Lakoff's 1966 dissertation.

Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar is particularly well-suited to
address such issues, due to its lexicalist orientation and to its
extensive use of types and inheritance hierarchies.  Consequently,
HPSG researchers have made significant contributions to the study of
regularity and irregularity in the areas of morphology, syntax and
semantics.  To name only a few examples:

morphology and morphology-syntax interface: Flickinger's dissertation
on lexical rules and the structure of the lexicon (Flickinger 1987);
Nerbonne and Krieger's work on the organization of the lexicon and on
inflectional morphology (Nerbonne and Krieger 1993); Riehemann's
corpus-based study of derivational morphology (Riehemann 1998);
Malouf's constructional approach to English gerunds.

syntax and syntax-semantics interface: Przepiorkowski's account of
case assigmnment in Polish (Przepiorkowski 1999); Sag's papers on
assignment rules and exceptions in the English auxiliary system (Sag 2001);
Ginzburg and Sag's constructional approach to the syntax and semantics
of questions (Ginzburg and Sag 2001).

semantics: research on licensing of special elements, including idioms
(Riehemann 2001, Soehn 2006), n-words and negative polarity items
(Przepiorkowski and Kupsc 1999; Sailer/Richter 1999; De Swart and Sag

We invite contributions that address issues related to the above
research topics, that discuss theoretical issues in the treatment of
regularity and irregularity in language, or that present empirical
studies that pose interesting challenges to existing accounts.

The format of submission and the deadlines for the workshop will be
identical to that of the main conference.


For both the main conference and the workshop, we invite E-MAIL
submissions of abstracts for presentations which should consist of two

1. a separate information page in plain text format, containing
- author name(s)
- affiliation(s)
- e-mail and postal address(es)
- title of paper

2. an extended abstract of not more than 5 (five) pages, including all
figures and references. Abstracts should be in PDF format.

We use an online subscription system. All abstracts should be
submitted via http://www.easychair.org/HPSG2006
(If you have any questions: jp.soehn at uni-tuebingen.de).

Abstracts for the main conference should mention 'HPSG-06' and
abstracts for the workshop should mention 'Workshop-06' in the
subject line. All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by at least
two reviewers. Authors are asked to avoid self-references in the


Abstract submission deadline: March 15, 2006
Notification of acceptance: May 15, 2005
Tutorial, Workshop, and Conference: July 24 - 27, 2006


The proceedings of the conference will be published on-line by CSLI
publications. A call for papers for contributions will be issued after
the conference. On-line proceedings of previous conferences are
available at <a href="http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/HPSG/">


Anne Abeille (Paris)
Raul Aranovich (Davis)
Emily Bender (Washington)
Gosse Bouma (Groningen)
Antonio Branco (Lisbon)
Chan Chung (Dongseo)
Ann Copestake (Stanford)
Berthold Crysmann (Saarbruecken)
Elisabeth Engdahl (Goeteborg)
Anna Feldman (Ohio)
Dan Flickinger (Stanford)
Howard Gregory (Goettingen)
Daniele Godard (Paris)
Erhard Hinrichs (Tuebingen, chair)
Jong-Bok Kim (Kyung Hee)
Valia Kordoni (Saarbruecken)
Ania Kupsc (Nancy)
Shalom Lappin (London)
Robert Levine (Ohio)
Stefan Mueller (Bremen)
Tsuneko Nakazawa (Tokyo)
Petya Osenova (Sofia)
Gerald Penn (Toronto)
Luisa Sadler (Essex)
Ivan Sag (Stanford)
Manfred Sailer (Goettingen)
Gautam Sengupta (Hyderabad)
Jan-Philipp Soehn (Tuebingen, chair)
Jesse Tseng (Nancy)
Nathan Vaillette (Amherst)
Stephen Wechsler (Austin)
Eun-Jung Yoo (Seoul)
Larisa Zlatic (Austin)


Chair: Kiril Simov (Sofia)


local organization: Kiril Simov and Petya Osenova

programm and submissions: Jan-Philipp Soehn

conference web site: http://www.bultreebank.org/HPSG06/

submission web site: http://www.easychair.org/HPSG2006/
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