HPSG 2006 - program and participation

Kiril Simov kivs at bultreebank.org
Tue Jul 4 14:06:15 UTC 2006

                                   HPSG 2006
                       The 13th International Conference
                      Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
                       24 -27 July, 2006, Varna, Bulgaria

The registration is open.
Please, register if you plan to attend the event!



The 13th International Conference on HPSG will take place in Varna on
July 24 -27, 2006, hosted by the Linguistic Modelling Laboratory, IPP,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

The conference will include a tutorial day (July 24):
    Semantics within and beyond HPSG: LRS and LTAG
        (Frank Richter and Laura Kallmeyer)
    Construction-Based Grammar
        (Ivan Sag)
    HPSG meets Categorial Grammar
        (Carl Pollard)
    Implementation: Recent developments in LKB and TRALE
        (Berthold Crysmann and Gerald Penn)
a workshop on "Regularity and Irregularity in Grammar and Language"
(July 25).

Main Conference
July 26 - 27

Invited Speakers

Frank van Eynde (Leuven)

Main conference:
Stefan Mueller (Bremen)
Shravan Vasishth (Potsdam)

I am looking forward to seeing you in Varna!

With best regards,

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