Call for Submissions ---On-Line Journal of South Asian Linguistics (fwd)

Ivan A. Sag sag at csli.Stanford.EDU
Sun Aug 5 23:59:22 UTC 2007

All, FYI. -Ivan

------- Forwarded Message

From: Miriam Butt <miriam.butt at>
Subject: Call for Submissions ---On-Line  Journal of South Asian Linguistics

We are pleased to announce the creation of an Online Journal of South
Asian Linguistics that will be published with CSLI Publications.

The Journal of South Asian Linguistics is devoted to work pursuing
formal approaches to the study of South Asian Languages. We conceive
of South Asian Languages broadly to cover the languages of
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri
Lanka, and Tibet and that of the South Asian diasporas.

The journal is envisaged to cover the areas of computational
linguistics, historical linguistics, language acquisition, morphology,
phonology, phonetics, psycholinguistics, semantics, and syntax as well
as work on other areas of linguistics that interfaces with one of the
aforementioned areas. The formal analyses pursued in the articles can
be couched in any theoretical framework. An important goal of the
journal is to bring together theoretically oriented work with the vast
range of crosslinguistic variation found in the South Asian
subcontinent and to provide a dedicated forum for a discussion of the
linguistic diversity of this area with a focus on the understudied and
underdocumented languages of the region.

The contributions to the journal will include full-length articles.
In addition, we anticipate that the journal will grow to include
responses and replies to recent work, short squibs, book reviews, and
theoretically oriented descriptions of underdocumented languages. We
also expect to have occasional special issues edited by guest editors
devoted to particular topics.

Chief Editors are:  Rajesh Bhatt (UMASS, Amhert) and Miriam Butt
(Univ. of Konstanz)

The Editorial Board consists of: Veneeta Dayal (Rutgers), Ashwini Deo
(Yale), Sarmad Hussain (FAST, Lahore), Ayesha Kidwai (JNU, Delhi),
Aditi Lahiri (Konstanz), Jeffrey Lidz (University of Maryland),
Gillian Ramchand (CASTL, Tromso), Shravan Vasishth (Potsdam)

The first issue of the Journal will appear in March 2008.
Submissions should be directed to the following address:
jsal at (to make it by the first issue, submit by
November 1st).

A style sheet and directions for submissions
can be found on the Journal's website:

- -- 
Miriam Butt
FB Sprachwissenschaft
Universitaet Konstanz 
Fach 184	       Tel: +49 7531 88 5109
78457 Konstanz	       Fax: +49 7531 88 4865
Germany		            +49 7531 88 5115

miriam.butt at

"Today is going to be a very busy day tomorrow." 
Xena, "Been There, Done That"


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