Prague: Fourth ACL-SIGSEM Workshop on Prepositions, at ACL 2007 -- CFP
Valia Kordoni
kordoni at CoLi.Uni-SB.DE
Thu Feb 15 16:12:41 UTC 2007
Apologies for multiple postings
Fourth ACL-SIGSEM Workshop on Prepositions
28th June, 2007
Prague, Czech Republic
Workshop Description
The Fourth ACL-SIGSEM Workshop on Prepositions will be
hosted in conjunction with ACL 2007, the 45th Annual
Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics,
and will take place on June 28th in Prague, Czech Republic.
Prepositions, postpositions and other adpositions have
received a considerable amount of interest in recent
years, due to their importance in computational tasks.
For instance, in NLP, PP attachment ambiguities have
attracted a lot of attention, and different machine
learning techniques have been employed with varying
success. Researchers from linguistics, artificial
intelligence and psycholinguistics have examined spatial
and temporal aspects of prepositions,their cross-
linguistic differences, monolingual and cross-linguistic
contrasts, the role of prepositions in syntactic
alternations and their semantics in situated dialog. In
languages like English and German, phrasal verbs have
also been the subject of considerable research, ranging
from the development of techniques for their automatic
extraction from corpora to methods for determining their
semantics. In other languages, like Romance languages or
Hindi, the focus has been either on the incorporation of
the preposition or its inclusion in the prepositional
phrase. All these configurations are important both
semantically and syntactically in natural language
understanding and processing.
Building on the success of three previous workshops on
prepositions (held in Toulouse, 2003, Colchester, 2005
and Sydney, 2006), the aim of the fourth ACL-SIGSEM
Workshop on Prepositions is to bring together researchers
from a variety of backgrounds to discuss the syntax,
semantics, description, representation and
cross-linguistic aspects of prepositions. We intend this
workshop to promote collaboration among researchers
interested in different aspects of prepositions, and hope
that it will advance understanding of these important
components of language.
Papers are invited on, but not limited to, the following
+ Multilingual & crosslinguistic aspects of prepositions:
- multilingual and contrastive descriptions (mismatches,
incorporation, divergences)
- prepositions in human and machine translation (for
example, issues of automatic word alignment)
- prepositions in parallel corpus annotation (for
example, sense disambiguation using parallel texts)
- prepositions in cross-language information retrieval
+ Description and representation of prepositions:
- prepositions in lexical resources (including WordNet,
Framenet, and other ontologies)
- prepositions in syntactically annotated corpora
(Treebanks), productive versus collocation uses,
prepositions and thematic roles
- Word-sense disambiguation of prepositions (as in the
SemEval preposition task to run at ACL-2007)
+ Applications:
- using prepositions in applications such as machine
translation, grammar and style checking systems
- information extraction or language generation,
situated dialog systems (robot interfaces, embodied
conversational agents)
+ Cognitive dimensions of prepositions:
- how different kinds of prepositions are
acquired/interpreted/represented in human cognition
- how different kinds of preposition provide distinct
challenges to a reasoning system and how they can be
Authors are invited to submit either full papers or
short papers on original, unpublished work in the topic
area of this workshop. Full papers should be up to 8
pages in length; they should emphasize completed work
rather than intended work, and should indicate clearly
the state of completion of the reported results. Where
appropriate, concrete evaluation results should be
included. Short papers should be up to 6 pages in length;
they can describe work in progress rather than completed
work, or smaller-scale implementation/experimentation.
Presentations for short papers will be proportionally
shorter than presentations for full papers. Submissions
will be judged on correctness, originality, technical
strength, significance and relevance to the workshop, and
interest to the attendees.
Submissions should be formatted using the ACL 2007
stylefiles without overt author and affiliation
information and not exceeding 8 pages. The ACL stylefiles
are available at
The only accepted format for submitted papers is Adobe
PDF. Submission will be electronic, using the START paper
submission website. The submission deadline is March
26th, 2007. The START submission page for this workshop
Important Dates
Paper Submission deadline: March 26th, 2007
Notification of acceptance: April 20th, 2007
Camera-ready papers due: May 9th, 2007
Workshop date: June 28th, 2007
Organising Committee
Fintan Costello (University College Dublin, Ireland)
John Kelleher (Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland)
Martin Volk (Stockholms Universitet, Sweden)
Address any queries regarding the workshop to:
prepositions2007 at
Programme Committee
Doug Arnold (University of Essex, UK)
Boban Arsenijevic (University of Leiden, Netherlands)
Timothy Baldwin (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Collin Baker (University of California Berkeley, USA)
John Beavers (Stanford University, USA)
Nicoletta Calzolari (Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale, Italy)
Markus Egg (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
Anette Frank (DFKI, Germany)
Tracy Holloway King (PARC, USA)
Valia Kordoni (Saarland University, Germany)
Ken Litkowski (CL Research, USA)
Tom O'Hara (Convera Inc., USA)
Hidetosi Sirai (Chukyo University, Japan)
Beata Trawinski (University of Tübingen, Germany)
Jesse Tseng (Loria, France)
Aline Villavicencio (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
Feiyu Xu (DFKI, Germany)
Joost Zwarts (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
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