York-Essex Morphology Meeting 4: Programme

Alexandra Galani ag153 at york.ac.uk
Wed Jan 31 10:11:36 UTC 2007

Dear colleagues, 

Please find below information about the 4th York Essex Morphology Meeting 
(YEMM4). We would be grateful if you could forward this information to 
anyone who might be interested in attending. 

Best regards, 

The YEMM4 Committee 

For more information visit: http://privatewww.essex.ac.uk/~yemm 


                  York-Essex Morphology Meeting  4 

Conference Programme/Announcement 

We are pleased to announce that the fourth York-Essex Morphology Meeting 
(YEMM4) will be taking place on the *10th-11th of February*, at the 
University of Essex (UK). 

YEMM aims at bringing together research in morphology from a variety of 
theoretical perspectives, including Distributed Morphology, Head-Driven 
Phrase Structure Grammar, Lexical Functional Grammar, Minimalism, 
Network Morphology and Paradigm Function Morphology. We encourage lively 
discussion, learning, and sharing of ideas, with the intention of 
promoting new interdepartmental collaborations. Our invited speakers are 
both linguists with a distinguished reputation and PhD students engaged
in research in morphology. Proceedings of the meeting will be published
by *Essex Research Reports in Linguistics*. 

We are pleased to confirm that the following invited speakers will be 
participating at YEMM4: 

Melanie J. Bell - University of Cambridge 
Matt Chermside - University of Essex 
Harald Clahsen - University of Essex 
Ian Cunnings - University of Essex 
Mary Dalrymple - University of Oxford 
Helge Dyvik - Universiy of Bergen, Norway 
Alexandra Galani - University of York 
Koji Kawahara - University of York 
Ana Luis - University of Coimbra, Portugal 
Joao Marques Verissimo - University of Essex 
Ingo Mittendorf - University of Essex 
Ad Neeleman - University College London 
Louisa Sadler - University of Essex 
Andrew Spencer - University of Essex 
Kriszta Szendroi - University College London 
Caity Taylor - University of Essex 
George Tsoulas - University of York 



11.30-11.40     Opening 

11.40-12.20     Andrew Spencer (University of Essex) and 
                Ana Luis (University of Coimbra) 
                "On the definition of 'word', 'clitics' and 'affixes' 
                - a polyphonic approach"

12.20-13.00     Harald Clahsen (University of Essex)
                "How the brain responds to morphologically complex words"

13.00-14.00     LUNCH BREAK

14.00-14.40     Andrew Spencer and Caity Taylor (University of Essex)
                "Maximising stems"

14.40-15.20     Ingo Mittendorf (University of Essex) 
                "Welsh Initial Mutations and the Welsh ParGram Grammar" 

15.20-15.40     COFFEE/TEA BREAK 

15.40-16.20     Ian Cunnings and Harald Clahsen (University of Essex)
                "English Word Formation: The Time-Course of Morphological   

16.20-17.00 Joao Marques Verissimo and Harald Clahsen (University of Essex)
                "Stems and rules: a dual-mechanism model of stem-formation 
                Portuguese verbs." 



10.00-10.40 Ad Neeleman and Kriszta Szendroi (University College London)
                "Radical Pro drop and the Morphology of Pronouns" 

10.40-11.20     Alexandra Galani and George Tsoulas (University of York)

11.20-11.40     COFFEE/TEA BREAK 

11.40-12.20     Mary Dalrymple (University of Oxford),  
                Helge Dyvik (University of Bergen) 
                and Louisa Sadler (University of Essex)
                "Gender Resolution in coordination and disjunction" 

12.20-13.00     Koji Kawahara (University of York)
                "On NPIs in Deletion"

13.00-14.00     LUNCH BREAK

14.00-14.40     Alexandra Galani (University of York)
                "Notes on the inflectional categories in Vlahika"

14.40-15.20     Melanie Bell (University of Cambridge) 

15.20-15.40     COFFEE/TEA BREAK 

15.40-16.20     Matt Chermside (University of Essex) 
                 "A computational treatment of Case Stacking in Kayardild"

16.20-16.30     Closing


Registration for YEMM is completely free, but if you are planning to attend 
please let the YEMM committee know until *Tuesday 6th February 2007* at the 
very latest, by emailing the local organisers, Kakia Chatsiou 
(achats at essex.ac.uk) and Miriam Urgelles Coll (murgel at essex.ac.uk).

Further information 

Please see http://privatewww.essex.ac.uk/~yemm/ for further details and 
updates. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need further information. 

Best regards, 

The YEMM Organising Committee 

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