Early Registration: 19th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information

Carl Vogel vogel at cs.tcd.ie
Fri May 25 10:49:53 UTC 2007

[apologies for multiple postings]

Dublin, Ireland
19th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, Aug. 6-17, 2007
12th Conference on Formal Grammar, Aug 4 & 5, 2007
Postgraduate Student Grants (EACL)

This is a gentle reminder of the June 1 early registration deadline
for the 19th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information
and co-located 12th Conference on Formal Grammar.  At the bottom of
this notice is information about six grants made available by the
European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics.

Please see the ESSLLI website (http://www.cs.tcd.ie/esslli2007) for
the current state of detail and online registration.

The 19th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information
(ESSLLI 2007) is organized by the Computational Linguistics Group of
the Department of Computer Science and the Centre for Language and
Communication Studies, Trinity College Dublin, under the auspices of
FoLLI, the European Association for Logic, Language and Information.

The main focus of ESSLLI is the interface between linguistics,
logic and computation. The school has developed into an important
meeting place and forum for students, researchers and IT professionals
interested in the interdisciplinary study of these three fields.

The 19th edition of ESSLLI offers 42 courses, given by leading
scholars, organized into three interdisciplinary areas (Language &
Computation, Language & Logic, Logic & Computation), at a variety of
levels (foundational, introductory, advanced); 6 workshops; and a
Student Session. The 12th Conference on Formal Grammar is a co-located
event.  The course and workshops generally consist of 5 once-a-day 90
minute session.

The dates for Formal Grammar are August 4 and 5, 2007.  ESSLLI
runs August 6-17, 2007.  

Foundational courses cover elementary subjects of a foundational
nature. They presuppose no background knowledge, and should be
accessible to people from other disciplines.

Introductory courses are intended to equip students and young
researchers with a good understanding of a field's basic methods and
techniques, and to allow experienced researchers from other fields to
acquire the key competences of neighboring disciplines, thus
encouraging the development of a truly interdisciplinary research

Advanced courses enable participants to acquire more specialized
knowledge about topics they are already familiar with.

The 6 Workshops are intended to encourage collaboration and the
cross-fertilization of ideas by stimulating in-depth discussion of
issues which are at the forefront of current research in the field. In
these workshops, students and researchers can give presentations of
their research.

The Student Session has the aim of providing Masters and PhD students
with an opportunity to present their own work to a professional
audience, thereby getting informed feedback on their own results.

For Workshops and the Student Session, see the web site for further
information and CFPs. 

We are pleased to announce the availability of six 500 euro grants to
postgraduate students funded through the generosity of the European
Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics.  Applicants
for these grants should supply the following documentation:

 o Name, email address, affiliation and status (PhD year etc.) of the candidate
 o Source and amount of yearly income
 o Letter of motivation
 o Whether the candidate makes a presentation at the event
 o Proof of student status
 o Letter of recommendation (e.g., from supervisor) 

Applications for grants should be sent to esslli2007 at cs.tcd.ie

As other grants become available, they will be announced.

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