HPSG2008 tentative program

Shuichi Yatabe shuichi_yatabe at yahoo.co.jp
Tue Apr 22 03:19:13 UTC 2008

The following is the tentative program of the 15th International Conference
on HPSG.  Please visit the conference website at
for more information.

July 28 (Main Conference, Day 1)

09:00   Registration
09:30   Opening
09:40   Anne Bjerre (Syddansk Universitet) and Tavs Bjerre (Aarhus
        Danish there-constructions with transitive verbs
10:20   Scott Drellishak (University of Washington)
        Complex Case Phenomena in the Grammar Matrix
11:00   Coffee/tea
11:20   Stephen Wechsler (University of Texas at Austin)
        Dualist Syntax (invited talk)
12:20   Lunch
14:00   Eun-Jung Yoo (Seoul National University)
        Transparent Free Relatives in English
14:40   Daniel Flickinger (Stanford University)
        Transparent Heads
15:20   Tam Wai Lok (University of Tokyo) and Yo Sato (King's College
        An Analysis of Pseudopartitives and Measure Phrases that Says
        No to Extra Rules
16:00   Coffee/tea
16:20   Karen Steinicke (Universitaet Tuebingen) and Gerald Penn
        (University of Toronto)
        Memory Management for Unification-based Processing of Typed
        Feature Structures
17:00   Sanghoun Song and Jae-Woong Choe (Korea University)
        Automatic Construction of Korean Verbal Type Hierarchy using
17:40   Kilsoo Ko (LLF/Paris 7)
        Korean postpositions as weak syntactic heads

July 29 (Main Confenrence, Day 2)

09:00   Gabriela Bilbiie (Universit'e Paris 7)
        Coordination of Iterative Terms in Romanian - A contrastive study
09:40   Chizuru Ito (Osaka University) and Rui Pedro Chaves (Linguistics
        Center of the University of Lisbon)
        Apparent Non-Constituent Coordination in Japanese
10:20   Tsuneko Nakazawa (University of Tokyo)
        Resultative Phrases in Japanese as Modifiers
11:00   Coffee/tea
11:20   Tibor Kiss (Ruhr-Universit"at Bochum)
        The Grammar of determinerless PPs in German (invited talk)
12:20   Lunch
14:00   Emily M. Bender (University of Washington)
        Radical Non-Configurationality without Shuffle Operators
14:40   Stefan M"uller (Freie Universit"at Berlin)
        Towards an HPSG Analysis of Constituent Order in Maltese
15:20   Yo Sato (King's College London) and Wai Lok Tam (University of
        Towards a Unified Account of Adjuncts
16:00   Coffee/tea
16:20   Frank Van Eynde (University of Leuven)
        Predicate Complements
17:00   Fr'ed'eric Laurens (Paris 7)
        French Predicative Verbless Constructions: A Clausal Analysis
17:40   Jesse Tseng (Loria)
        The representation of syllable structure in HPSG

Conference Dinner

July 30 (Workshop: Grammar at the Interfaces)

09:00   Jean-Marie Marandin (CNRS)
        The Exclamative Clause Type
09:40   Olivier Bonami (Universit'e Paris-Sorbonne) and Dani`ele Godard
        (CNRS and U. Paris 7)
        On the syntax of quotation in French
10:20   Doug Arnold and Robert Borsley (University of Essex)
        Non-restrictive Relative Clauses, Ellipsis and Anaphora
11:00   Coffee/tea
11:20   Mutsumi Imai (Keio University at Shonan-Fujisawa)
        Children's use of argument structure, meta knowledge of the
        lexicon, and extra-linguistic contextual cues in inferring
        meanings of novel verbs (invited talk)
12:20   Lunch
14:00   Anne Abeill'e (LLF, University Paris 7), Dani`ele Godard (CNRS)
        and Fr'ed'eric Sabio (Universit'e de Provence)
        Two Types of NP Preposing in French
14:40   Felix Bildhauer (Freie Universit"at Berlin)
        Focus projection and clitic left dislocation in Spanish
15:20   Coffee/tea
15:40   Fabiola Henri (LLF University of Denis Diderot-Paris 7) and
        Anne Abeill'e (LLF, University Paris 7)
        Verb Forms in Mauritian
16:20   Yusuke Kubota and Jungmee Lee (The Ohio State University)
        The Coordinate Structure Constraint as a discourse-oriented
        principle: Further evidence from Japanese and Korean


Shuichi Yatabe
University of Tokyo

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