Call for papers: Research on Language and Computation

Shuly Wintner shuly at
Sun Jul 13 10:44:42 UTC 2008

Now that the conference season is almost over, you may want to  
consider submitting an extended version of your conference paper to  
Research on Language and Computation. RoLaC is a Springer journal that  
publishes high quality, leading edge research papers in computational  
linguistics and natural language processing. It features works that  
deal with theoretical dimensions of research on formal, empirical, and  
application questions. RoLaC welcomes contributions on syntax,  
semantics, morphology, phonology, dialogue and discourse, theories of  
grammar, machine learning and computational learning theory applied to  
natural language, mathematical and complexity properties of natural  
language systems, and the implementation of procedures for natural  
language analysis, generation, and translation.

To see current and past issues, go to:

We use an on-line submission and reviewing system, available here:
This helps us reduce turnaround times; in the last 18 months, the  
average time from submission to first decision was 61 days.

We look forward to receiving your submissions!

Shuly Wintner, RoLaC editor-in-chief

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