ELRA - Language Resources Catalogue - Update

ELDA info at elda.org
Mon Mar 31 11:11:54 UTC 2008

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ELRA - Language Resources Catalogue - Update

ELRA is happy to announce that 1 new Speech Resource, produced within 
the Technolangue programme, is now available in its catalogue.

*ELRA-S0272 MEDIA speech database for French
*The MEDIA speech database for French was produced by ELDA within the 
French national project MEDIA (Automatic evaluation of man-machine 
dialogue systems), as part of the Technolangue programme funded by the 
French Ministry of Research and New Technologies (MRNT). It contains 
1,258 transcribed dialogues from 250 adult speakers. The method chosen 
for the corpus construction process is that of a ‘Wizard of Oz’ (WoZ) 
system. This consists of simulating a natural language man-machine 
dialogue. The scenario was built in the domain of tourism and hotel 
The semantic annotation of the corpus is available in this catalogue and 
referenced ELRA-E0024 (MEDIA Evaluation Package).
For more information, see: 

For more information on the catalogue, please contact Valérie Mapelli 
mailto:mapelli at elda.org

Visit our on-line catalogue: http://catalog.elra.info 

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