New Submissions to the HPSG Bib

Stefan Müller Stefan.Mueller at
Tue Sep 9 15:07:19 UTC 2008


Please find below a list of entries that were submitted to the HPSG
Bibliography during the last three month. There were 10 new
submissions. Thanks to Emily for submitted something.

We have 1052 publications in total now.

Please submit further entries at

If you do not like the web interface, you may send me BibTeX entries and
I will integrate them.

Thanks and greetings


        author       = "Baldwin, Timothy, John Beavers, Emily M. Bender,
Dan Flickinger, Ara Kim and Stephan Oepen",
        booktitle    = "Linguistic Evidence: Empirical, Theoretical, and
Computational Perspectives",
        email        = "ebender at",
        editor       = "Kepser, Stephan and Marga Reis",
        homepage     = "",
        publisher    = "Mouton de Gruyter",
        title        = "Beauty and the Beast: What running a
broad-coverage precision grammar over the BNC taught us about the
grammar---and the corpus",
        year         = "2005"

        address      = "Oxford",
        author       = "Bender, Emily M.",
        booktitle    = "The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics",
        email        = "ebender at",
        editor       = "Brown, Keith",
        homepage     = "",
        pages        = "326--329",
        publisher    = "Elsevier Publishers",
        title        = "Variation and Formal Theories of Grammar: HPSG",
        volume       = "13",
        year         = "2006"

        author       = "Bender, Emily M.",
        email        = "ebender at",
        homepage     = "",
        journal      = "English Language and Linguistics",
        note         = "Special Issue on English Dialect Syntax, Adger
and Trousdale eds",
        number       = "2",
        pages        = "347--381",
        title        = "Socially Meaningful Syntactic Variation in
Sign-Based Grammar",
        volume       = "11",
        year         = "2007"

        address      = "Stanford, CA",
        author       = "Bender, Emily M.",
        booktitle    = "Proceedings of the GEAF 2007 Workshop",
        email        = "ebender at",
        editor       = "King, Tracy H. and Emily M. Bender",
        homepage     = "",
        publisher    = "CSLI Publications",
        title        = "Combining Research and Pedagogy in the
Development of a Crosslinguistic Grammar Resource",
        url          =
        year         = "2007"

        address      = "Columbus, OH",
        author       = "Bender, Emily M.",
        booktitle    = "Proceedings of ACL08:HLT",
        email        = "ebender at",
        homepage     = "",
        title        = "Evaluating a Crosslinguistic Grammar Resource: A
Case Study of Wambaya",
        url          = "",
        year         = "2008"

        address      = "Jeju Island, Korea",
        author       = "Bender, Emily M. and Dan Flickinger",
        booktitle    = "Proceedings of IJCNLP-05 (Posters/Demos)",
        email        = "ebender at",
        homepage     = "",
        title        = "Rapid Prototyping of Scalable Grammars: Towards
Modularity in Extensions to a Language-Independent Core",
        url          =
        year         = "2005"

        author       = "Bender, Emily M. and David Goss-Grubbs",
        booktitle    = "Proceedings of Semantics in Systems for Text
Processing (STEP 2008).",
        email        = "ebender at",
        homepage     = "",
        publisher    = "College Publications",
        title        = "Semantic Representations of Syntactically Marked
Discourse Status in Crosslinguistic Perspective",
        year         = "2008"

        address      = "Prague",
        author       = "Bender, Emily M., Laurie Poulson, Scott
Drellishak, and Chris Evans",
        booktitle    = "Proceedings of the ACL 2007 Workshop on Deep
Linguistic Processing",
        email        = "ebender at",
        homepage     = "",
        title        = "Validation and Regression Testing for a
Cross-linguistic Grammar Resource",
        url          =
        year         = "2007"

        author       = "Bender, Emily M., Markus Egg, and Michael Tepper.",
        booktitle    = "Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop
on Computational Semantics",
        email        = "ebender at",
        homepage     = "",
        title        = "Semantic Construction for Nominal Expressions in
Cross-linguistic Perspective",
        url          =
        year         = "2005"

        address      = "Potsdam",
        author       = "Osenova, Petya",
        booktitle    = "Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on
Formal Description of Slavic Languages",
        pages        = "661--672",
        title        = "On Subject-Verb Agreement in {Bulgarian} (An
HPSG-Based Account)",
        year         = "2001"

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